Health Care and Hidden Dictatorship

In a memorandum to President-elect Donald Trump, titled Medically Caused Death in America, dated Dec. 4, 2016, Jon Rappopart wrote:  "In fact, for decades the FDA has been destroying and endangering huge numbers of American lives. Their approach is simple: they approve drugs that maim and kill people, and they claim those drugs are safe.  [...] Click Rx photo for article.  ​

​I have come to believe over the last 5 years that there are many patsies in the UK (in)justice system who are victims of ‘vested interests’ and unfair authority processes  - [Susanne Kellner Johnson is one of them] - so feel that another definition holds more stock:

See "Patsies ‘Made in Austria’ & ‘The Kingston Terminator’ "

November 27, 2016 

Psychassessment blog
​This blog is created by Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz, Chartered Psychologist, London

Judicial Discipline Reform - A study of judges' unaccountability and consequent riskless wrongdoing; how to expose it and bring about judicial reform



Undercover cop

​Exposed corruption

Framed then murdered

Dixie Mafia

The case of Patrick Swiney is on the record from the old website.  Many of the links are still alive but 'lost" within the pages of the old website.  We bring the links forward all in one place for your convenience.​

THE CASE OF Norman Scarth

​Medical Care and Hidden Dictatorship - UK

THE CASE OF Susanne Kellner Johnson
​Medical Care and Hidden Dictatorship - UK

​Pro Bono Attorneys
This is a listing from our old website​

Addiction Prevention and Education

This is a listing from our old website​

Here are new links on the topic of Addiction Prevention and Education

Asking the right questions… is the answer.  They have lied to us about the Court’s “Independence”.

Family Law Reform / Divorce Corp.

Divorce Industry Exposed

Child Trafficking American Style: How Cash-for-Kids exists and how to Stop It.