On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 7:52 AM MH wrote: 

Name: MH
Subject:  Question
Message:  Hi Sherry, How can we discern between thoughts that are parasitic and draining, from those that help us navigate our daily lives?  Is negativity a common denominator?  Thank You, MH
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On Mar 21, 2017 7:17 AM Sherry wrote:

Hi MH,

I just sent the following to
your facebook question which seems to be similar to your question above.  Here is a copy of my reply on facebook.  Basically negativity is a common denominator.  It is possible to see or even experience negative things in life and not take them in as 'personally negative' but rather something that is just an experience that hopefully brings with it an important lesson for future days.  We do have what is called cellular memory and we all need to recognize that this exists in our bodies.  When something happens, it doesn't just affect our mind; it affects every cell in the body and since our bodies are made of primarily water (water has 'memory') the experience is remembered everywhere.  So if the experience is felt as personally negative (Why does this always happen to me?  I must be a bad person!  It's all someone else's fault! etc) rather than just an experience from which to learn something, it's more difficult to eliminate all negativity. 

If this reply from facebook does not answer your question, please let me know: 

"There are many techniques we can use for self-protection. Methods such as smudging, hanging garlic, salt crystals, reciting the 23rd psalm, utilizing the that's a lie program, sending cosmic love, and so forth will all work, depending on the individual's belief system and what makes that person's energy vibration change.  In truth we can will them away but the problem is that most people are told they can't do that, so they believe they can't and thus they are right: they can't do it. 

This is the power of our minds that few know even exists.  You could say that we were given or blessed with this particular power of mind through grace from whatever your Prime Creator of choice or belief is named. 

Knowing your own mind is critical, meaning that you know how you usually think about things and how you usually think about yourself. 

When you know your own mind, you can determine what thoughts are yours and what thoughts are not yours. Then when 'foreign' thoughts appear, you can actually claim THESE ARE NOT MINE and send them back where they came from. 

I have found that it is difficult to help others until I, myself, am able to know my own mind and experience eliminating foreign thoughts from my own field of energy.  You see people giving excellent advice but not following their own advice, thus their lives are in turmoil.  When people see that, they have a tendency to ignore your excellent advice.  But when they see that you are walking your own talk, they tend to really listen and are more motivated to do what I call 'The Work' for themselves. 

In the end, knowing your own mind may be the most important and helpful thing anyone can do to help others." 

Best regards,
P.S. In addition, I think this is an important topic and would like your permission to post this Q&A to our Letters section on the website, sans your name/contact info of course.

On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 11:57 AM MH wrote: 

Hi Sherry,

Yes, of course, post the question, etc. on your site if you want. 

I suppose another thing you answered in your reply, is sending love to others who are dealing with these problems/situations. 

I have a teenage daughter, who has not spoken to me for years; her mother completely demonized me in her eyes.  The only thing I can come up with is a Hawaiian technique called
ho'oponopono, where you send love, understanding, and forgiveness to the other person.  It's so interesting to hear you talk about cellular memory. 

Anyway, I can't tell you how important I feel the work You are doing is. 


On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 PM Jerry Marzinsky wrote: 

MH, to add to the advise Sherry gave, one of the ways to discern which thoughts are yours and which belong to these parasitic entities is to ask yourself, "Does the thought serve any positive, practical purpose." 

A second method is through studying any possible intent behind it.  Is the intent behind the thought to generate the negative emotional energy these parasitic entities feed off of? Is it a kind, loving thought? 

As Sherry has stated, any negative thought about yourself which generates negative emotion is a lie, especially if it is repeated compulsively.  Sherry's
"That's A Lie Program" is very effective in short circuiting these destructive patterns. 

Before I realized what the voices schizophrenics were hearing actually were, I would come home completely drained after working with more than one of them a day.  I noticed the pattern but didn't know what caused it.  They were draining me also. I made a rule for myself not to work with more than two of them a day. 

Everything Sherry suggested are effective means of protection.  A clear quartz crystal worn over the 5th Chakra increases your spiritual energy, but can be turned against you if you start thinking negative.  I never showed up for a shift in the ER without praying for protection and as clearly as possible imagining myself surrounded with a protective armor of white light.  One of the greatest things you could do to help out is to by any means possible spread the information we are putting out on this site to as many people as possible.  These entities and the Cabal do not want this information getting out.  Psychiatry's insistence that the voices schizophrenics hear are merely hallucinations is very destructive and allows these entities to continue operating unchallenged below the radar. 
