February 28, 2017
Dr. Ghulam Hasnain Ali, from Pakistan 

As indicated on our
Paranormal Page, this is where researchers try to break conventional myths and answer some real questions.  Our team consists of three researchers who have teamed up in search of measurable evidence that can be acknowledged by conventional science on the real cause of schizophrenia.  Team names are: Jerry Marzinsky of the U.S.A., Dr. M. Kemal Irmak of Turkey, and Dr. Ghulam Hasnain Ali of Pakistan.  

Thoughts on how the Dark Side Entities are affecting the world’s societies & What is our plan?
Dr. Hasnain Ali with Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney

I am also working to extract the specific verses from the Quran that speak and deal with these entities and will be sharing them with you.  Regarding the research project for documenting the effect of these 'speech messages' / verses, in curing schizophrenia, I shall put my idea on paper and share with Prof. Dr. Irmak and the team. 

I see light :-) 

Thank you all for being there.  Best regards. 

JERRY (March 9, 2017):  Hasnain, It was my pleasure.  Welcome aboard!  Thanks for sharing the verses from the Koran. 

Sherry and I were discussing your desire to produce some research (that will get you beat up by the establishment) to document scientifically the existence of the Jinn.  We were thinking that to begin with we should administer a short survey graph to every schizophrenic patient we can get our hands on.  The graph would be on a single sheet of paper with three lines that would appear like below: 


Survey Number ______

Date: ______________

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10 

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10 

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Sherry’s idea was to accumulate a statistically significant number of these forms and if they clearly show a trend toward the patient being energetically drained after the voices strike and disappear as I’m certain they will, we then submit this information to a friend of Sherry’s who has the electronic equipment to measure scientifically such an energetic loss or difference to see if it sparks any interest.  

Although I think I can get away with administering the above survey to the few patients I will see over here and think I can get the chief therapist at our psych hospital here to also administer them, there are many barriers here to any practical way of accumulating patients who hear voices that we have measured with the above instrument in one place here in the U.S. long enough for Sherry’s friend to get them all together and measure their energy levels with his scientific instruments.  That would have to somehow be done over there.  We would have to act on what we can at this time and trust “Spirit” to help out with the rest as the time comes. 

Unless we can come up with a better plan to get us all beat up by the system, this idea would require that you administer the above form to every schizophrenic patient you can get your hands on and track where they can be located in case we ever manage by some miracle to get Sherry’s friend over to Pakistan to do the scientific measurements.  We’d need to find someone who could do a statistical analysis on the results both of the above survey and the scientific measurements if that ever happens.  Perhaps
Dr. Irmak could suggest an appropriate research design and statistical analysis for this survey. 

Once the results are published, we can all happily get beat up by the scientific community together. 

SHERRY (March 10, 2017):  What I propose to do once a sufficient number of surveys has been collected (however long that takes), is to make a database which will automatically create a graph showing all three lines.  I wonder if we need a baseline of energy levels from people that are not plagued by the voices for comparison of "afflicted" and "non-afflicted".  Dr. Irmak seems to be the most qualified to prepare a study protocol that would be acceptable as a Scientific Study. 

I present to you the background of the technology and my sources for this technology as Jerry mentioned in his email:  

GDV Technology was developed by Biophysicist, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov of St. Petersburg, Russia.  His publications may be found here.  He has published over 200 papers in leading journals on physics and biology, holds 17 patents on biophysics inventions, and is the author of nine books.  He has presented the GDV technology in many countries to grow awareness of its full potential.  

My friend is
Krishna Madappa, President of the Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability, based in Taos, New Mexico.  He has also presented GDV technology in many countries.  I was fortunate to be invited to attend a two-day GDV presentation at the University of Louisville, KY which was attended by every university professor (of all disciplines).  They were astounded and subsequently changed their beliefs with regard to measuring otherwise invisible human energy levels.

Just so everyone knows, I am scientifically-minded so long ago when I studied many ancient scriptures, I did so from an engineering perspective rather than a religious one.  I have a civil engineering background and am self-taught in physics, which is how I was able to connect with Krishna Madappa and easily grasp the potential GDV technology would have in a study to scientifically prove that schizophrenic patients are being attacked by outside sources - call them Jinn, Demons, Archons, Devils, Satan, Flyers or merely alien entities, it doesn't matter to me.  Whatever they are, they are not fabricated by the patient but rather they are real conscious life forms that are using these people as a resource for their own survival.  We normally cannot see them because they vibrate outside the human visual spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies of light.  The good news is that with GDV technology I am certain they can be measured - or at least their effects on humans can be measured. 

Hopefully that is where this study will lead so that the professional communities will finally accept our results.  Respectfully. 




Regarding a lecture by Sheikh Imran Hosein titled: “Mysterious Events Unfolding Around the World (November 2016)” 

HASNAIN (February 28, 2017):  Dr. J. and Sherry, I hope you will find this video useful.  It is quite informative and aligns known historical knowledge to present times. 

JERRY (February 28, 2017): With regard to the video; Most Christians have been programmed to believe that their religion is the only valid one as have all the other religions, all of them wanting control over their members.  As such, members of the different religions might not even want to look at anything one of the other religions has to say about anything.  Despite the fact that there are theological differences between the two religions, the video clip of the Holy man points out that both religions agree on the nature of the Jinn or demonic entities and how they operate on the planet.  There may be theological differences between the two religions, but on the existence and invasion of the dark side entities, they agree. 

This is what should be watched.  The government and news sources have so poisoned the Muslim religion here that I think that without some direction as to what the viewer should be watching for and just throwing the video up and saying, for those of you who want to watch, you will lose a lot of potential viewers. 

SHERRY (February 28, 2017): This is a very interesting and good lecture by Sheikh Imran Hosein.  First of all, I enjoyed hearing his explanation/teaching about what he has learned from the Holy Scriptures followed by his religion.  I respect any religious beliefs one may hold dear to their heart, whether I agree with the philosophy or teaching, or not.  For who on earth can know all things? 

One thing Hosein says, in particular relating to the guy that's here to take over the world, which I interpret to be the dark side spirits, or in biblical terms Satan or the Fallen Angels, is about when this guy is said to have arrived to start the process of taking over the world.  Perhaps I have misinterpreted what Hosein explained, but it seems to me that this guy has been here much longer.  Shamanic tradition speaks of this dark side entity as "giving us their mind" but doesn't say exactly when it arrived.  Christianity speaks of this dark entity always being here.  Personally, I don't know the answer as to "when" and I don't think that matters as much as the fact that it is here and has been here a very long time. 

It is here to prevent humans from ascending in consciousness or becoming civilized people on Earth while in physical form.  Our team knows this and is helping to spread that knowledge to others. 

Though I agree with Hosein when he says one cannot know such things by obtaining some college or university degree, our team's work to try to find scientific evidence of "this guy" or "the dark side spirits" is essential to helping mainstream thinkers accept this as fact. 

No doubt this will be an uphill battle but it is a worthwhile one, in my opinion. 

Presently, this guy is determined to keep humans on a divide and conquer roller coaster which this guy must think will be the downfall of humans.  This guy would be right, assuming humans never ever wise up and wake up to the game that's being played on them by nefarious entities. 

The way I see things, the false messiah or false god or false prophet is already in the world and has been for a very long time.  That is what is depicted by the dark side spirits.  For people to be waiting for this false god to appear is a big mistake, and a dangerous one. 

Another thing I see is that all religious documents are virtually saying the same thing: 

  1. That humans are spiritual beings walking around in these physical bodies.  
  2. That we have all been tricked to believe that the prophecies in these religious documents are written in stone.  
  3. That the prophecies are un-changeable, so total destruction is virtually a done deal. 

When people go about their lives believing the end is inevitable, they have no will to change things.  I think that's the game being played on all humans on Earth. 

Yes, indeed Russia is standing up against the oppressor which is the dark side spirits and not any particular nation or religion.  May all nations wake up and do the same. 

Hosein does give great advice by saying that people need to move out of cities to build a place in the countryside and make it self-sufficient.  For a gaggle of reasons, none of them religious from my point of view, moving out of cities is a right thing to do.  For everyone on Earth. 

JERRY (March 1, 2017):  Hasnain, I’ve watched the video you sent.  I believe he is speaking of the same dark forces we are trying to expose.  

One of our well known shamans over here also insists that these dark entities invade and give us their minds.  The Federal Reserve System here, as well as the central banking systems throughout the world, are tools of mass enslavement operated by people infested with these negative entities.  Nowhere is their influence clearer than in schizophrenics, but they are constantly attacking us all.  These dark forces completely control the main stream media over here and are constantly filling the heads of people with negative and fearful news and advertising and selling all kinds of toxic drugs to the population.  

Russia, China, India and Brazil refuse to buckle to their demand for world domination and control.  NATO continues to provoke a war with Russia.  Some of the people inside the military industrial complex are insane in believing that they could survive a nuclear holocaust.  The central banks and the dark forces that control them are getting more and more desperate as economies around the world are beginning to collapse.  The mainstream media here are doing everything possible to convince the populace that Russia and China are the enemies and not to believe anything they say.  It is not Russia who is constantly at war, it’s the U.S.  Factions of the military industrial complex here are virtually a break away civilization controlled by the Cabal, a shadow government over which the main government has no control.  If the central banking systems are not somehow taken down and replaced by a fairer monetary system most of the world’s population will remain enslaved by these people and the dark forces that possess them until the monetary system finally collapses. 

It is these very same dark forces that our team is striving to expose and the fact that these same negative entities that infest schizophrenics infest also those in the Cabal and central banking systems enslaving humanity and they do give us their minds and feed off the negative emotional energy generated all over the planet. 

HASNAIN (March 1, 2017): Dear Dr. J., Thank you for your reply.  Coming strait to the point, I have had many patients who have described their multitude of interactions with these dark entities.  They have seen them as smoky black, touchable entities.  Apparently they like women a lot and establish physical relations with them.  Today I had a mother of a 30yr female visit me for the first time…  Same case, schizophrenia with so called hallucinations. 

She said her daughter describes these entities clearly and they are regular visitors.  She wants to get rid of them but she cannot, according to the mother.  They tell her to pull her hair out; and that they will never let her live in peace.  One is male, Hindu and the other a female Muslim.  Scriptures also describe them having different religions; anyhow please advise how we plan to document all this?  

Meeting these dark entities is not hard to do here in Pakistan as I already know some
Maulvis who have such entities under their control.  Although very risky but I am willing to experiment to gather evidence.   

My question is: what type of evidence are we looking for in specific?  What would be considered substantial evidence?  To me, going to the head of science and presenting my case in their court is like going to Las Vegas and asking to convert the Trump Plaza into a Mosque.  Bad analogy maybe, the ones in authority say if you want to change anything then reach the top through merit and make the change!  But there is no merit and if one goes this way, one becomes them on the journey. 

I am with you a 100% in documenting these darkies!  Please advise.  Best regards. 

JERRY (March 2, 2017): Hasnain, Good to hear from you again.  Thanks for sending us your picture and that of your mother.  I can see wisdom reflected in her eyes and I’m sure she’s very proud of you although she might not understand what you’re up to in hunting the Jinn. 

Sherry is a wonderful person and a fearless warrior against the Jinn and their oppression.  Although she prefers to stay in the background for some reason, she is a powerful driving force behind what we are doing and I don’t know what I would do without her.  Spiritually and psychologically she has come further in this lifetime than any other human being I know of.  For years together we fought against the oppressive and insane prison systems over here and she put up one of the largest and most successful prison activist websites in the country.  The prisons are heavy with Jinn and they didn’t appreciate our interference.  I was constantly battling administration while I worked in the psychology department there, dished out a few ineffectual blows and got beat up a lot.  Now they are sending me notices wanting me to return.  No way. 

Let’s plan on March 8th to meet on Skype.  I understand there is a 12 hour time difference between us.  If you would, please let me know if this time is good for you.  Looking forward to speaking with you.  

I fully agree with what Sherry said, no matter what the religion or ethnicity, a truth seeker is a truth seeker and the truth is the truth.  The fact that the corrupt powers subvert the truth for their own profit doesn’t change that.  It remains behind their smoke screen.  They’re telling people that there is no cure for paranoid schizophrenia is a lie and a deception.  We’ve done it many times while I worked in the prison.  This doesn’t mean that all types of schizophrenia can be cured by the methods we’ve found, they’ve only proven themselves with patients who hear voices and have not proved very effective with those with delusional disorders or

It’s good to hear that you have a number of patients to work with.  What we might be able to do if you are willing is Skype in with one of them who closely matches the characteristics of the list I sent you of a good prospective patient and I would be willing to work with you and them over Skype so you can actually experience what I’m doing and I can explain to you why afterward.  I continue to teach the chief therapist at one of the larger hospitals here in Tucson how to deal with the Jinn.  The more therapists who know how to get rid of them, the better. 

With regard to research, as in the case with Dr. Irmak, anything you publish attributing the cause of schizophrenia to anything other than a biochemical imbalance for which they have absolutely no proof yet insist is the truth will bring upon you the wrath of the system.  I had to wait until I was retired before I could fully speak out.  I’m virtually certain that the psych hospital administrator is aware that the methods I use are more of those of a shaman than a licensed therapist and still allowed me to return as a volunteer.  We are going to be very careful about the next patient we choose to work with after this last episode.  Most people over here aren’t aware of the part the Jinn play in schizophrenia and these methods of working with their loved ones freak them out, especially if the voices are so strong they drive the patient to complain.  It is those cases where I’ve gotten into the most trouble.  The motivation of the patient to get rid of their voices is most critical.  Secondly is the understanding that the voices are separate entities and not the patient’s mind or who the patient is. 

With regard to research, this area is very slippery, but as I’ve mentioned before, there are two specific areas which will turn up subjectively measurable data. 

  1. The first is the massive energy drain that schizophrenics experience after the voices attack which is direct evidence of the parasitic nature of these entities.  There is a one-to-one correlation between the appearance and attack of the psychotic voices and the patient’s energy disappearing.  Some have reported that they can actually feel it leaving when the voices are attacking them.  I’m sure there must be a better method of measuring this energy drain, but what I did was on a sheet of paper drew a line numbered evenly one to ten along the line on both sides of the sheet.  One side I labeled, How Much Energy Did You Have Before The Voices Came.  I asked them to circle a number.  On the other side was How Much Energy Did You Have After The Voices Left.  There was a very substantial drop in their energy levels between these two points which proved statistically significant.  This process is simple to do and I would suggest you start it with all your patients who hear voices so you can see for yourself.  There may be better, more scientific ways of measuring this energy drop, perhaps by measuring the number of push ups or how many times they could lift a certain amount of weight before and after.  If any area of this disorder would provide measureable results, it would be this one. 

  2. The second area I believe would provide measurable results would be the negation of the medical system’s belief that the voices these patients hear are hallucinations.  In their infinite arrogance, without ever doing even a single study, they tell patients that the current medical system has proclaimed the voices schizophrenics hear to be mere hallucinations.  This, with absolutely nothing to back up the assertion other their own opinion, despite the fact that schizophrenics themselves have repeatedly told them their voices are very real. 

In response, psychiatrists tell them they are mentally ill, hallucinating and drug them silly.  The anti-psychotic drugs work only because they significantly calm the patient making it very much harder for the voices to generate the negative emotional energy on which they feel.  This is also why one of the first things the voices try to do after the patient is put on medications is to get them to stop taking them and in astronomical numbers they eventually do.  The characteristics of the voices these patients hear do not fit the definition of a hallucination by any stretch of the imagination.  

True hallucinations are totally random in topic, nature and feeling.  They are as diverse and varied as the patients themselves.  They don’t run any predictable themes or content.  The voices schizophrenics hear are far different.  They are always negative, abusive and riddled with messages that produce fear, guilt, anxiety, paranoia and directed toward the goal of producing as much negative emotional energy as possible in the patient which they then somehow drain off and consume.  

They are far from random experiences.  The question becomes what force keeps them constrained to a negative trajectory.  Debunking the fact that there is a negative, predictable and destructive intent driving these entities would be a first step in opposing the Cabal’s arrogant medical system and waking people up. 

It took me years to figure out how to get patients to tell me about the voices they heard.  After years of others around them growing fearful and rejecting them after they spoke about their voices to them and psychiatrists then drugging them silly after they told them about hearing voices, the last thing they wanted to do was tell another psych about it much less what those voices were saying.  

It took a long time to build trust with them.  I found that the more I was able to tell them about what I knew about the voices and how they operated, the more relaxed and understood they felt.  They saw that I understood better than any of the others and wasn’t going to reject them.  We have posted a list of the many terrible things the voices tell these patients I believe both on my
Facebook page and on Sherry’s website.  

Letting your patients know that you are aware of the kinds of things these voices are telling them will go a long way toward them opening up and telling you more.  When you get to the point where you can tell them what the voices are going to tell them ahead of time in reaction to some of the information you’re going to give them, then they will have no doubt that you know what you’re talking about and despite the ravings of the voices, they will stay and listen to what you have to say. 

Before you get to that point though, you need to know how to temporarily get rid of the voices after you give the patient information that is threatening to the voices or the voices will become so loud in an attempt to drown you out that the patient will not be able to hear anything you’re saying.  Getting this done requires you to learn how to operate in an alternate reality and some of the rules for doing so.  When I stumbled into this world, I had no cognitive map and it was quite frightening for some time until one by one I learned things the hard way. 

I’ll speak to you more about this next Wednesday. 

SHERRY (March 3, 2017): Jerry & Hasnain, here is my two cents input: 

Jerry you wrote:  >>I’m sure there must be a better method of measuring this energy drain<<.  There is a scientific way of measuring this energy drain.  We don't have the equipment to do that but there are others that do have this equipment.  One that I know personally, who lives in Taos, New Mexico (I met him through my late sister), is
Krishna Madappa, President, Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability.  You can find him on Linkedin or put his name in a search engine to read up on the work he is doing.  

Basically Krishna uses a technology called
GDV Technology.  I think GDV technology would be able to measure a person's energy level before and after thus documenting, scientifically, the energy loss after being attacked. 

Either of you could contact him (tell him I sent you) and ask him if he would be willing to help you with your project. 

Jerry you also wrote: >>...provide measurable results would be the negation of the medical system’s belief that the voices these patient’s hear are hallucinations.<<.  I wonder if
Lisa Trump would be able to help with this by using her sensitive equipment that measures paranormal activity.  

There is also a third thing that could be added to your list, Jerry.  This would be all the extraordinary documentation by professionals attesting to the fact that schizophrenia is not a result of a chemical imbalance.  Such a list would be pages and pages long.  It would be powerful to have all of these references in one document. 

Just thoughts to consider while putting your program together..... 

And one more thing.  When you have your Skype session on Wednesday, I hope one of you will record it either video or audio (or both).  This is not necessarily for public use but for the archives to document your progress.  Such methodology would be standard with any scientific endeavor.  In effect you two (and perhaps Dr. Irmak later on) would be conducting the equivalent of a forensic examination of what the voices are.  In any case, if the ultimate goal is to convince the scientific community, then keeping detailed records of everything in this study will be crucial for background once a White Paper is ready to be written. 

HASNAIN (March 4, 2017): Dear Sherry, Dr. J, Thank you for your kind words for my mother and for me.  She is the only one who believed in me throughout and has always been supportive through my spiritual journey and all the oddities it brought. 

Dr. J, I look forward to our meeting on Mar.08 at 7 am your time, 7 pm Pakistan time.  I do not have a strict or a settled routine and usually am in office till late (9 or 10pm my time) so it is alright if you would like to make it later than 7:am for your convenience. 

Looking forward to having a healthy, progressive and fruitful discussion with you.  Best regards.


After The Skype Meeting

HASNAIN (March 9, 2017):  Dear Dr. J. Jerry, Thank you so much for taking out time to meet online yesterday.  It has given me a new vigor to continue struggling to get the word out.  You are right that communicating helps us all to strengthen our belief that together we can achieve the critical mass required to make the change! 

I am attaching verse 113 to this mail.  It is in conjunction with verse 114 and both are potent antidote for the dark entities and the evil they bring.