April 06, 2017 from RR

Hi, I've been watching some of the videos on the entities involved with those with schizophrenia and absolutely understand it to be truth.   I need your help please?   My mother is suffering at the moment and I believe such entities have a very strong hold on her. 

She is under a mental health team who I have to admit are trying the best they can but I believe they do not know what they are dealing with and can't talk to them about any of what your webpage discusses.   I am trying to help my mother but finding it difficult as I believe this entity (or entities) realizes that I know what it is and is becoming very aggressive towards me and blocking me in helping her. 

I am extremely upset as the mental health team have told me (and I can see for myself) that she is deteriorating worse than any of us have ever seen before (she is 66 now) and that they are going to go for legal guardianship to place her in a home because she is at risk, not able to look after herself, eat, take any help being offered to her, is isolated and extremely difficult to be around due to the aggressive, mocking and vile spirit that has hold and is becoming more and more abusive to those of us trying to help.   I am at my wits end and don't know what to do? 

I feel very anxious being around my mother as it's like walking on egg shells trying to be close and having to put up with the aggression and not knowing if the abuse will start at any moment.   At the same time I am heartbroken as I want to help my mother but have a young child myself so must try to keep strong so it's forcing me to keep away because of this.   Please can you advise me of anyone I can speak to (I am not in the US) who can help me in how to deal with this?   I do believe it is an evil entity as it plays all the manipulative games spoken about here and other stuff I've read about the jezebel spirit. 

I just need to have some contact with someone who I can talk to about this as this is not something you can easily talk to with those who have never heard of this stuff and particularly not with the mental health services either. 

Thank you, RR

​April 8, 2017 from Jerry


You are in very difficult situation knowing what is going on and the voices knowing that you know.   There is no use trying to say anything about the voices being separate entities to your mental health team, they won’t listen and will think you are off your rocker.   They’ve been completely programmed by the Ivory Tower to believe a lie and they’d rather believe a lie than admit they don’t know what’s going on. 

The voices infesting your mother can see and hear everything you say but they can’t read your mind.   Once they know that you are aware that they are not hallucinations but separate, malicious and destructive entities you immediately become a threat and an enemy.   Your mother doesn’t understand that they are separate entities and not her own thoughts.   The voices will order your mother to do and say things that will drive you off and frighten you.   Do not bring your child around her as the voices hate children and things will get even more complicated. 

The voices will do everything possible to make you fear your mother and drive you away so you don’t interfere with what they are doing.   Do not show fear or they will know that they have you.   Know that the horrible things your mother is saying are not coming from her and send her love.   Before you go to visit her imagine a thick shield of white light around yourself and pray for protection.   When you show up for a visit, the voices in your mother's head will get louder and stronger.   They will react stronger toward you than other visitors as you are more of a threat.   Do not be intimidated. 

The first thing the voices are going to go after are the anti-psychotic medications the psychiatrists have put your mother on.   They don’t want her taking those things as they calm her down and decrease her level of fear and anxiety which in turn decreases the amount of negative emotional energy she generates.   These entities consume this negative emotional energy as a food source.   Without it they starve and the medications markedly decrease the amount of negative emotion your mother generates.   The medications only suppress the symptoms and weaken the voices, they will not cure her or get rid of them.   In order for that to happen, you are going to have to reach her, explain to her what they are and what they are doing and how they operate.  Without these medications, your chances of reaching your mother would be slim.   Do not try to talk to her about what the voices are until she is stable on her medications.   The voices will tell her those medications are poison and that the psychiatrists are trying to poison her.   As such, if she is released with only a bottle of pills, there is a strong possibility that she either won’t take them or hide them under her tongue then spit them out later.   It would be preferable if the psychiatrists would work with you and give her a long acting shot of something like Prolixin that would stay in her system for about two weeks to suppress the voices. 

Before you attempt speaking with her about these things, I’d advise you to watch all the audio and video material we’ve put on our websites and fully educate yourself as to what you are dealing with and the kinds of things the voices are telling your mother.   Below is a complete listing of these sites.   You need to understand as fully as possible what you are dealing with. 


Once you’ve assimilated this information and your mother is stable on meds, only then attempt to speak with her about what the voices are and how they work.   I’d start by letting her know that you know the voices and some of the things she’s said to you are not coming from her and not who she is.   Even on medications, the voices will kick up after you tell her something like this and you’ll have to shut them up in order to reach her.  The voices exist in a dimension where thoughts are things.   When a thought is sent into that dimension with intent, concentration and an emotional charge, they can have a profound effect on the voices.   If your mother reports she is hearing the voices when you try to speak with her, and she eventually will be, ask her how many different voices she is hearing then imagine as clearly as possible that you are wrapping duct tape around their mouth and heads so they can’t speak.   Patients have told me that even though this prevents them from speaking, sometimes they make muffled noises so after imagining wrapping their mouth’s in duct tape, imagine them being imprisoned in a box of light with walls three feet thick, then hurl that box out into space.   This should shut them up for a brief period of time, long enough for you to begin to tell your mother what these things are and what she can do about them. 

The most critical aspects of all this is your mother’s drive and intent to get rid of the voices and the realization that they are not her or who she is.   They will do everything possible to convince her that she is who they are and if she buys into it, she becomes who they are which isn’t pretty.  

Since it is our intent to help people like yourself understand and deal with these things, we would very much like you to keep us posted on your progress as there are millions of others out there dealing with this same problem.   The only thing the anti-psychotic meds do is suppress the symptoms and eventually cause permanent neurological damage with long term use, they don’t cure anything.   This is a spiritual battle. 

Please keep us posted.   Keep touch with myself and Sherry and let us know how this information is working for you.
