March 26, 2017 from AG via Keyhole Journey website 

Subject: Mental Combat


Dear Dr J,  As we discussed through email, I'd like to share a personal experience with the voices and how I dealt with them.  My friend was having strange paranormal activity at her home.   I went to visit her and could sense an evil presence watching us. 

I decided to challenge it.   Nothing happened until the next night.   In the middle of the night I was suddenly overwhelmed with crazy intrusive thoughts to go hurt my roommate.   I resisted and eventually went back to sleep. 

The voices were accompanied by feelings that weren't my own.   The negative voices would tell me to go hurt myself and others, but then I would also hear good voices tell me to resist and go to Church.   At that time I wasn't baptized and on the fence to converting to Christianity. 

The negative intrusive thoughts would distract me during the day and night for about 3 months.   The negative visions would play out in my mind.   It didn't matter where I was.   I started to question my sanity and finally went on my knees and prayed to God for help. 

The good voices told me to turn the TV on to the Christian channel.   The Pastor said to protect your mind and thoughts from the enemy by not allowing him to do that.   I went to church to get baptized.   During the drive there, the negative voices said God isn't real and nobody will help you. 

I ignored it and continued to get baptized.   I got prayed for and accepted Jesus into my heart.   The voices got weaker over time and finally left after I used white sage smudging, holy water, salt, and St. Michael Prayer in my home and also my friend's home. 

Life returned to normal for both of us.   If you ever get a negative intrusive thought say, " I rebuke you evil spirit or Satan in the name of Jesus!"   Resist with all you have and ask the Lord to help. 

I discovered offthelefteye YouTube video "
How to deal with evil spirits" and started implementing Psalm 23, Amazing Grace, and Christian music in my home to keep things positive.    Frankincense/Myrrh and copal resin incense work great to clear negative energy also.

Thank you Dr J and Sherry for all your hard work.  AG

March 29, 2017 from Jerry


We both thank you for your letter and are sure revealing your honest, first hand experience will be of great help to those who are currently suffering with the voices but don’t dare tell anyone due to the negative repercussions of doing so.   We hope others who find these letters useful will also write us with their experiences so we can also post them to help many more out there who are suffering understand that their situation is not hopeless and that there are other forms of treatment that are effective in getting rid of the voices other than powerful mainstream toxic medications.

The experiences you’ve brought out in your letter show clearly how these entities insert themselves into your mind and try to displace your mind with theirs then inject mountains of negative, fearful and destructive thoughts which do not belong to you.   Nobody ever asks where thoughts  come from.   It is assumed that whatever comes into your mind belongs to you and these entities take advantage of this. 

They do everything possible to convince you that those negative, frightful and disgusting thoughts belong to you, are yours and in fact are you.   I’ve had several patients ask the voices who they were and their response was “We are you.”   

The last thing they want their victims to know is that they are in fact separate entities, parasitic invaders. 

Psychiatry insists that the voices schizophrenics hear are mere hallucinations.   They do this without every having done a single, solitary study into the nature and content of these voices.   If they would open their eyes for even a moment and take a look at the content and pattern these voices run, they would see for themselves that unlike hallucinations which are all over the place, some negative, some positive, some meaningless and everything in between, the voices schizophrenics hear are consistently negative with self-defeating and self-destructive messages which are not random.   They run fixed, negative destructive patterns urging patients not to take their meds, to do things to get them in trouble and to isolate themselves.  Unlike random hallucinations, there is a fixed, unswerving negative intent to the negative voices.    

It took years to discover that after these voices attacked their victims, these patients were completely drained of energy.   Some of my patients reported they could even feel their energy leaving while the voices were screaming at them.   Some were so drained after the voices left that they couldn’t even get out of bed.   It eventually became clear that every time the voices attacked a patient, their energy levels went down to almost zero.   The voices were somehow sucking away their energy.   I discovered that when I pointed this out to a patient, the voices became very angry and agitated and ordered the patient to get away from me, leave the ER, run from the hospital and if they couldn’t or wouldn’t do that, the voices ordered them to attack me.  The reaction was consistent and happened every time.   This is not the work of a hallucination. 

The experience you reported with attempting to go to Church is also typical of how they react to church and the Bible.   If a patient who hears voices attempts to read the Bible, the voices will get loud and try to stop them.   They won’t be able to concentrate but if they try to read a horror story, they will remember virtually every word.   If a patient hearing voices tries to go to church, depending on how strong their voices are, one of three things will happen.   

(1) If their voices are weak, they will usually shut up while the person is in church and start up again after they leave. 

(2) If they are of medium to moderate strength, they will get loud when the person enters church, try to convince them to leave or make them bored.  They will get loud and distracting enough to stop the person from hearing the sermon or understanding what is said. 

(3) If they are very strong, they will actually drive the person out of church having them almost run out.   I’ve seen this periodically in large churches where someone suddenly gets up and almost runs down the aisle and out the front door.   It is common for them to tell their victim there is no God and that Jesus couldn’t even help himself, so what makes you think he will help you.   This particular message from them to those who try to turn back toward Jesus is so common that I wonder if they all weren’t programmed the same way somewhere.  

I’ve had patients report that their voices react to the repetition of the 23rd Psalm like worms thrown onto a hot frying pan.   Praying for help to drive them away is effective if one can stick to it.   Sherry’s “
That’s a Lie” program has also proven very effective in weakening them and breaking their grip.

Please let us know how the other material we’ve posted is working for you also.   We have posted much more information at the following address which also contains links to other helpful sites:  
