Here is something I used to use when thoughts just would not change or go away that I did not want.  It worked every time for me so try this and see what happens.  

First, imagine your favorite flower.  I imagined a rose so I will use 'rose' to explain but you can change it to whatever flower suits you best. 

Once you have a clear picture in your mind of your favorite flower, cup your hands as though you are holding the flower and say the following keeping your eyes closed: 

“Dear rose, I ask you to remove all that is not mine and all that does not belong to me and send it back to where it came from.”  

Then open your cupped hands as though setting the flower free. 

Then do the exercise again with another of the same species of flower and this time say: 

“Dear rose, please bring to me all that I left and all that does belong to me.”  

Then open your cupped hands as though setting the flower free. 

What happens is that the flower, who knows it is only LOVE, first sends all negativity back where it came from and then its brother or sister who also knows it is only love, gathers all your positivity and brings it back to you where it belongs. 

Here is something I used to use when thoughts just would not change or go away that I did not want.  It worked every time for me so try this and see what happens.  

First, imagine your favorite flower.  I imagined a rose so I will use 'rose' to explain but you can change it to whatever flower suits you best. 

Once you have a clear picture in your mind of your favorite flower, cup your hands as though you are holding the flower and say the following keeping your eyes closed: 

“Dear rose, I ask you to remove all that is not mine and all that does not belong to me and send it back to where it came from.”  

Then open your cupped hands as though setting the flower free. 

Then do the exercise again with another of the same species of flower and this time say: 

“Dear rose, please bring to me all that I left and all that does belong to me.”  

Then open your cupped hands as though setting the flower free. 

What happens is that the flower, who knows it is only LOVE, first sends all negativity back where it came from and then its brother or sister who also knows it is only love, gathers all your positivity and brings it back to you where it belongs. 


​The following came from offTheLeftEye asking this person to contact us.  It is a remarkable case of vivid dreams that intrude into the person’s daily life.

From: AW
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017
To: Jerry Marzinsky
Subject: offTheLeftEye told me to contact you? 

Hello I was wondering if you could help me with a spiritual problem?  My name is AW. Since I can remember I have had vivid dreams of monsters tormenting me.  I remember every dream I had since I was a child.  I remember from the color of grass to the people I meet.  I thought it was sleep paralysis because I could not move and saw shadows, felt invisible people, saw monsters, or human like monsters. 

But it is not.  In my dreams I can feel what the monster is feeling.  A couple of months ago I had a dream I was laying in bed (it felt very real like it always does) and this voice said, "It is becoming more and more difficult for me to protect you."

I felt that it was dangerous but I also felt that it was not going to hurt me.   It then said, "Your barrier gets weaker everyday and your faith won’t---" 

Then I started praying to Jesus like I always do.  Then I heard it laugh then silence and I woke up.  

After that, as always when I sleep the monsters tormented me.  Today was… different.  I was dreaming and heard a voice say, "AW wake up.  Wake up or else I---"

I then felt an extremely large amount of danger and it was increasing.  Something powerful told me to not move and stay as still as possible.  It also sounded like it was far away.  I then felt fuzziness on my back.  I then prayed to god and as I did I heard, "Oh my.  So you are her…" 

Then I felt even more pressure and felt like a head was resting on the back of my neck.  I kept my eyes closed and forced myself to relax (that's what I read to do when you have sleep paralysis). 

But then I felt his hand move to my leg and felt his nails going in my leg.  The pain increased so I used all my strength to move my hand and touch his hand trying to pull away.  His hand was a much different feeling then touching the other monsters.   

The other monsters feel like a large amount of air in one place or water like feeling.  But this felt like a human hand.  

As the pain did not stop and I could not pull it away I thought, "This pain does not hurt as much." 

I then just woke up a few minutes ago.  I have felt so much pain in my dreams.  I believe I am becoming "numb" to it.  I don't understand why they hurt me?  I pray and pray and confess my sins but they won’t stop coming. 

I also hear voices in my head and went to a psychologist when I was 16 I am 21 now (they said I had schizophrenia and that the dreams are a side effect).  But I knew that was not true because when I was 15 I got my first computer and did a lot of meditation because I read that it helps with bad nightmares.

When I first did it I heard a warm voice and it was very clear.  It said, "Hello my name is Lydia." 

I was scared and then calmed down and asked what the bible said to ask which was “Christ born in the flesh?” and it laughed and said, "No darling." 

Then I said, "So you are a demon." It said, "Yes."  Then it said, "Your essence smells wonderful.  Who are you to have such wonderful smell?" 

I then stopped talking to it.  Then for a couple of nights I would hear a crowd of voices talking to me almost like I was at the mall or festival.  They would call my name but I did not answer.  One day I answered and they were very nice, but then I had an odd dream that night (I think I opened the door to one of them).  I saw flashes and images of a man with white hair standing in a field.  Then I saw a skinny man with a mask on.  He pinned me down in bed and he must have said something because I screamed, "I do not want to be your girlfriend!" 

After that, that same spirit came in my dreams for 3 days straight and I would see his mask in my head before I went to sleep he said his name was Zero.   

I then did some research and came across "spirit husbands and wives".  So I looked up spirit warfare quotes and said it to him every time I heard his voice and he then went away (I think.  Well I don't feel his energy or hear him since). 

After that, 3 large groups of new voices appeared (New voices now come in and out of my life now since then).  The first group was called themselves Whispering Plants and they where all children with white eyes.  The 2nd called themselves Lying Doors which were all older men and the last was Whispering Walls. 

They were nice at first but then I heard them say, "I wish to bring you to your own demise AW."  Then they pretended to BE me which irritated me and I got confused on my voice and theirs.  They mimic me all the time or when I saw something for example.  I see a chair they would say, "AW sees chair, AW sits in chair; AW eats” etc. 

I believed everything they said to me.  They said I would get killed if I did something.  Then one day they said I would die if I go hang out with my friends but at this point I did not care and hung out with them and nothing happened. 

I then realized that day that they were liars and I always called them liars.  This lasted about 3 weeks.   

Then the last thing that happened before they left is that they started screaming.  I ignored it then they left.  Now I only hear voices at night before bed and new ones come and go.   

I have not talked to any of them nor have they called my name in 3 months.  

Out of curiosity I asked, "Why are you here?"   

One said, "To save you from yourself."   

Another said, "To bring you to hell." 

Another said, "To guide you."  And they went on and on. 

Then I asked, "Why do the monsters torment me in my dream?" 

A stern man voice said, "They are curious about you." 

And I said, "They would not hurt me if they were you liar!" 

Then I heard them arguing with each other like they always do or they said, "AW is irrelevant to me; AW is belligerent etc."

But they never ask me anything and I rather not play their "mind games".   

They also seem different then the large three group and the ones that first started talking to me.  They seem very weak or something I am not sure.  Also, when I turned 21 I had a dream of a women in a green dress and she had red eyes and said, "There is someone who used to be light who is now dark who will influence you into the dark.  Once you are dark, there is no going back.  I do not know why but you are in a war with dark and light." 

I then said, "I will me Light" 

She seemed to be upset and frowned.  I then woke up and cried because I was deeply upset.  After that I had dream of a demon boy chasing me.  I then stopped and pinned him down.  I asked the voices in my head, “WHAT DO I DO?" 

And a voice said, "Ask him why he lingers." 

So I did and the boy stopped.  [He] looked at me with large eyes and said, "They...they…your head?"  He then turned into a dog and licked my face and I woke up. 

I also had a rare good dream but creepy.  I dreamed I woke up in my room and Knew I was dreaming and walked outside.  There was a picnic.  I walked up to this older man and said, "I am going to hell..." (Because that’s what the voices said). 

The old man said, "Let me see."  His eyes glowed blue then went back to normal and he said, "You are going to go to a very good place." 

And I told him [where] the voices told me I am going and he said, "Do not listen to them." 

I then asked him a lot of questions.  Then I broke one of the dream rules (I discovered some rules about dreams and the Do’s and Don’ts.  For example a DON’T is to go up to my dream family or people I know and tell them they are not the person I know because they go berserk and turn into nasty demons and really…really hurt me).  The Don’t that I did by mistake was like the example.  My old friend came up to me and said, "Hey AW." 

And I said, "I don’t know you."  

And [the friend] laughed and said, "Yes you do remember so and so." And I said that never happened and he flipped out. 

Anyway I could go on and on about my dreams but I need help.  Please help me.  I pray to god but I am starting to believe he is rejecting me.  Medication is not working, praying is not working, protecting spells are not working. I don’t know.  It feels like it is getting worse.  Please help. 


On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 


I’m on my way out of town for several days.  I’ve notified Sherry of your problem she also knows about these things. 

Until I get back know that everything these things say about you is a lie.  Their main tactic is to insert negative thoughts into your mind or do things that frighten you to generate the negative emotional energy on which they feed.  Cut out of your life everything negative, the news, negative people and situations.  Pray to your guardian angels at night before bed and in the morning when you wake up to help you get rid of these things and wrap yourself in protective white light.  

You are correct, they are causing the nightmares.  Until I get back, we have many tips and tactics posted on our internet sites with information that will help you.  While I’m away, go through it all, pick out what you find useful and put it to use. 

I’ll be unreachable for the next 4-5 days.  Hopefully in that time you’d have time to go through the information on the sites I’ll list below.  Expect resistance from the negative entities.  The last thing they want you to know is the kinds of information you’ll find on those sites.  Expect them to do everything within their power to divert you from reading the articles or watching the videos.  We’ll be looking forward to hearing what you found helpful.  See the sites below.  If your email gets buried and you don’t hear from me in a week, write back after you’ve gone through all the information on these sites.

Will be looking forward to hearing how the information on these sites works out for you.  Again, expect severe resistance from the entities.  I wouldn’t even attempt to try to look at this information without asking your guardian angels for help to keep those negative entities at bay and help you comprehend the material before ever starting to read it. 

Again, drop me a line when you’ve covered it all. 



Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017
To: Jerry Marzinsky 

Hello Mr. Jerry, 

Thank you for giving me the links.  I learned a lot however, when it talked about how the voices would interrupt them about the bible was different from mine.  When I read the bible a year ago they cheered and read with me.  When I stopped reading they kept going.  Then, when I continued they read exactly page from page what they were saying when I stopped reading. 

The dreams have gotten worse since I read those links about 3 days ago.  Yesterday I had a dream within a dream or “false awakening” when I did some research.  When I first woke up I felt something crawling under me.  I turned over and it seemed to panic like it was suffocating.  After that I woke up in my bed again this time something was laying next to me.  Then I woke up and [was] walking into the bathroom to take a bath before going to college and there was a head sitting in the sink.   

Then, I woke up went to my mom and cried and said I need to get new medication or a higher dose.  She hugged me then I woke up in my bed and I heard a voice say, “Sad you fell for it again.”  It repeated over and over.  I am not sure what to do.  The voices are trying to be "extra" nice to me after reading those links as well.  They keep asking ALL day today, "We should make an alliance" 


On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 


Although it seems your symptoms are getting worse, this is a good sign.  It shows that what you are doing and the material you are reading and watching is negatively affecting them and they are doing everything in their power to stop you from proceeding.  They are aware that if you proceed and keep pushing onward with the tools you are learning to use, they face starvation.  The fear they generate in you is their food source.  Without it they can’t survive. 

I find their involvement with the Bible very interesting as it is virtually the opposite reaction I’ve experienced from many others.  The Bible can be a good tool, but it can also be used by them against you.  What they usually do is insist that their victim read the Bible from cover to cover.  When they hit the place where this guy begat that guy that goes on for many pages, they jump in and say, “See, this is a bunch of crap.  Quit wasting your time.” 

What I don’t see in your message is you asking for help and protection from your guardian angels.  You have at least two of them and they cannot help you if you don’t ask.  What you ask has to be very specific it can’t be just a general plea for help.  You have to ask specifically for protection from these entities.  This is especially important before you go to sleep for as you’ve seen, they have invaded your dreams with nightmares which is also par for the course for them and is very common.  If they can prevent you from sleeping, they wear you down and make you weaker and more suggestible.  They are doing to you what the army does to prisoners of war.  

You must ask your guardian angels for protection when you get up and before you go to sleep.  After doing so, imagine yourself surrounded in a shell of thick white light that they cannot penetrate.  Every time you hear them afterward, memorize and repeat the
23rd Psalm or the Lord’s Prayer and again ask for help from your guardians in driving them off and shutting them up.  Remember, their underlying motive behind everything they do is to instill guilt and fear in you in order for you to generate the negative emotional energy they feed off of. 

Their offer to negotiate with you is an extremely good sign as they are now aware that your intention is to starve them out and kill them.  It is also a very common tactic for them to back off and leave you alone for awhile to make you think they aren’t such a threat after all and get you to stop doing what you need to do get rid of them.  Don’t fall for it and don’t negotiate with them.  They are totally untrustworthy and are consummate liars.  They won’t keep their word with any kind of negotiation.  They will only appear to for awhile then get you behind your back when you’re not expecting to be attacked. 

It is also critical that you ask your Angels to shut them up and protect you before reading or watching any of the material we have put out or these things will do everything within their power to block you from concentrating on the material including putting you to sleep. 

They indeed did get you again, and again you fell for their false illusions and lies.  They want you to think you have no power over them and can’t fight them.  That is why they are intensifying with their crap to try to stop you from assimilating the information you’ve been reading, all the while they are quaking in their boots as they know if you continue their time plaguing you and their food source is short.  They succeeded in upsetting and terrifying you again which was their goal.  I’m sure you felt quite drained and weak after that attack.  It is critical that you pray and ask for help from higher spiritual sources, you can’t do this alone on your own.  Your guardian angels are with you all the time but can’t help in the battle unless you earnestly ask them for specific help. 

Don’t let them talk you into going off your medications.  On the other hand, you don’t want to be taking so much of that stuff that you can’t hear the voices at all and turn into a zombie.  Watch all the videos on the keyhole journey site, but make sure you ask for help and protection before turning them on.  You need to know your enemy and they don’t want you to have the knowledge those videos contain.  

You’ve got them very concerned and scared that you are learning what you need to do to get rid of them.  They are going to do everything in their power to stop you from learning more.  It’s a spiritual battle that you alone must fight along with your guardian angels.  Once they get weaker and they will after they throw a few more tantrums like you just experienced, then you need to keep moving on a positive spiritual path and fill your mind with stuff like Curtis is putting out on his Off the left eye series.  If you don’t fill the void after you drive them out with positive spiritual stuff, they will return with others and will be much stronger.  

Stay away from everything negative, all negative movies, books, people and the news.  Watch America’s funniest video’s; they’ll hate it. 

You have to do this work; nobody can do it for you.  With what you’ve done and learned so far, you’ve whacked them up side the head and they don’t like it and now they want to negotiate with you to stop whacking them.  They would absolutely hate it if you prayed for them, if you could manage to make yourself do so. 

Follow through with what I’ve suggested above.  Keep assimilating the information in the links below and keep me posted on your progress every so often.  Although it might seem that things are getting worse, you are doing well and you have them as frightened as they have you.  When you see ugly stuff tell yourself, this is a lie they projected to frighten me.  Everything negative they tell you about yourself, and I mean everything is an absolute lie.  Go to the documents section on Sherry’s Keyhole Journey site and read the details of how to use her “
That’s a Lie Program.”  It is a very powerful tool in helping to starve these buzzards out. 

Remember, they are predatory parasites who feed off of your fear, guilt, shame and anxiety.  They have complete access to your memory and can go in and pull up every rotten or shameful thing you’ve ever done and rub it in your face to generate the guilt, shame, fear and negative emotion they feed off of.  They cannot get this food from any other source than from us. 

Keep up the fight.  Based on the experience you’ve just had, I know you don’t feel you’re on top of things with this at all, but in reality, you’re doing well and now you have them frightened and wanting to negotiate to stop you.  Keep kicking them in the butt and starving them out until they have to leave and find another food source. 

Read and watch all the stuff on the sites below and drop us a line from time to time to let us know how you’re doing. 



From AW
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2017
To: Jerry Marzinsky 

Thank you Mr. Jerry, 

For some reason I am afraid of guardian angels or even seeing an angel for some reason.  Also, do you know what a "3rd" person spirit is?  I had this dream 2 years ago when this black cat saved me in about 3 dreams.  When I spoke to him he claimed to be my "3rd" person?  I attacked him (not sure why) and he vanished and turned to blue dust then it went inside me.  I have not seen him since? 

I am too afraid of meditating since my last session a few months ago.  I closed my eyes, prayed, thought of being in an ocean of bright white water, and ended up opening my eyes in darkness.  I felt like there were others watching me.  I looked at my hands and there [were] blue flames all over me.  I then saw pale white hands approach me.  It was getting closer and closer and I panicked and woke up.


On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 


They don’t want you asking for spiritual help and are telling you to fear your guardian angels.  In that case ask your higher self for help. 

I suspect the 3rd person is them. 

They also don’t want you meditating since a quiet mind prevents them from filling your mind with fearful thoughts that generate the negative emotional energy on which they feed.  In both these cases they scared you off from doing some of the things you needed to do to weaken and get rid of them.  When you give into your fears and back off what you know you need to do to get rid of them, they win. 

You can also try this sent by Sherry about the
ancient art of smudging to eliminate unwanted spirits and energy in your home.



From AW
Sent: Sunday, May 7, 2017
To: Jerry Marzinsky 

Hello Mr. Jerry, 

I had a very unpleasant dream.  I asked my guardians to protect me before I went to sleep but it has not worked these past [few] days and actually has made my dreams worse.  Anyway I was walking down these stairs in my first dream following these strange people (I then broke one of the dream rules) and decided to jump down all of the stairs which brought me back to my room.   

I was lying in bed very calm and I heard this voice. It was talking to me I think.  I then felt myself floating.  Then at the end of it talking about strange things it said, "Ah I need you to do something for me. I need you to send it back to its era.”  (Or I think it said BRING it to this era.  I was not sure because all I could think of was what my friend told me to do along time ago.  He told me to tell myself I am not to be afraid). 

Then it said, "If you did that, that would be great."  Then, with my eyes still closed I became super calm and confident and tried to move (most of these dreams I am paralyzed) and when I turned I was able to turn ALL the way around and while I did, I yawned. 

The thing then said, "How dare you pretend to sleep and ignore me.  This is important!"  It quickly patted my face (very gently but very fast at the same time) and I opened my eyes and saw this brown shriveled up human woman with long arms and legs.  She slapped me across the room and I was still calm.  She then ran to me extremely fast and our eyes met (she had white eyes) and as soon as she did I started choking her. 

Then I woke up.  The dream I had yesterday was unpleasant as well.  I was in my bed with my eyes closed.  Then, I felt something coming close to me so I asked my guardians to protect me.   

A voice then said, "It will not work."  The thing then lay next to me and I asked the guardian again but nothing and the thing ended up torturing me for what felt like days. 

A couple of days ago I think I saw the same woman in my dreams.  Couple of days ago the first dream (Broke another dream rule that ended up me being in my room which I feel like is punishment) I walked out of bed and saw my sister sitting in the kitchen.  I then broke another dream rule and said out loud, "this is a dream", she than became emotionless and her eyes turned white. 

I started punching her and she turned into cans of food.  I then thought, "Best thing to do is walk outside."   

As I was walking to the door I saw her.  The woman.  She just stared at me and I woke up.  I do not get it.  I kind of understand why they have become aggressive in a way however, nothing is working.   I prayed to GOD.  Nothing.  Asked my higher self.  Nothing.  I ask guardians to protect me.  Nothing.  Some guy I met online said, "Ask Michael the angel." I did.  Nothing.  I did all of these before, after, and during my sleep. 

The only good thing is that the voices in my head when I am awake rarely now say anything.  I feel very lost.  These past days I actually wanted to die.  When I started thinking deeply about it a voice said, "Don't you dare.”  I am slowly going insane.  Is there anything else I could do? 


Sent: Monday, May 8, 2017


I get the feeling that when AW prays, she gets no results because deep down she doesn't think this will work.  Perhaps the voices have convinced her of that.  Her intentions are good but something within is preventing her from believing that her own powers actually exist.

I noticed that she forgot to tell the characters in her dream that what they say are all lies.  Of course, if she doesn't really realize they are all lies, then even that won't have an affect.  She has to KNOW they are lies and say so. 

These beings go by frequency, and not words.  One can say any words that sound positive but if they don't mean it, their frequency remains the same as if they never said anything at all.  I'm not sure how you can get AW to understand that lies are really lies and her Higher Self truly does exist and wants to help but can't help if the requests are meaningless.  Higher Self does not communicate, as a rule, in words but rather in feelings, i.e., frequencies.  This is because Higher Self is, in earthly terms, heart-based, not brain-based. 

AW is living in fear, not just of the dreams and those are bad enough (I am beginning to wonder if these are dreams and not something else - abductions come to mind but I will table that idea for now).  She tried not being afraid and that's excellent that she tried.  That this did not work confirms many things to her about how she really feels about herself inside.  Somehow she has to figure out how to recognize that she truly is a spiritual being, made by the Divine that created her from the energy of Love, not fear, not hate, not any other negative energy - just love.  This actually makes her BE Love and nothing else.  The dreams and her internal dialog are telling her the opposite and she fears that but if she only knew that she IS love, and that what the dreams and internal dialog are saying are ALL LIES, then she would be able to do real meaningful 'self-talk'.  She is only 21.  I don’t know how long she's believed in her lack of worthiness or self-worth, but she's got to figure out that all those things are lies.  In other words she has to reprogram her brain and that takes repetition.  She is capable of controlling what she thinks.  She has to recognize this as true and practice controlling what she thinks - mostly about herself.  She has to undo what she was taught in her early years and she can't do that until she knows that what she was taught are all based on lies and never were true. 


Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 11:38 AM 


What you say sounds awful, in fact what you are telling me is a definite sign of positive progress.  The fact that daytime voices have backed off significantly is an excellent sign.  Make sure you understand how to utilize the “
That’s a Lie Program” that Sherry posted on her blog and use it constantly.  When these things feel opposition and feel threatened, one of their main tactics is to increase their attacks to try to get you to stop anything positive you are doing which is threatening their power over you and try to convince you that you are helpless to overcome them or drive them off.  This also is a lie. 

In your first dream, the fact that you were able to remain calm in the face of this evil entity that confronted you in your dream is an excellent sign and as you can tell, your calmness and lack of fear very much upset this thing to the point that it attacked you in an attempt to generate fear and you fought back.  If you could have generated a loving bright white light in your dream, it would have burned this thing off. 

From your description of floating and paralysis while asleep, it pretty much sounds like you are able to leave your body during sleep and operate in an out-of-the-body state.  These things cannot harm you while you are in a spiritual form unless you buy into the lies they are trying to get you to buy into.  Keep in mind that these things FEED off of fear and anxiety.  They want you to be afraid to go to sleep.  It seems that you might be more closely monitoring your thoughts during the day and are more aware of their influence and resisting it, so they have turned to getting at you at night.  

You do have at least two guardian angels watching over you and you need to clear the connection to them.  If you don’t earnestly ask for their help or these negative entities have convinced you that you won’t get it and you believe that, then you won’t.  You have to earnestly ask for help.  I’ve asked Arch Angel Michael for help many, many times while being attacked and he always came.  There were many times I wished he would have been a little quicker about it, but he eventually came. 

I know this will prove difficult, but it works.  If you pray for these things and send them love and light, they absolutely hate it.  Such prayers are toxic to them.  Also, memorize the
23rd Psalm and repeat it every time a negative thought comes into your mind.  I’ve had patients inform me that these entities reacted to the repetition of this prayer like a bunch of worms thrown onto a hot frying pan.  You can’t just hollowly repeat the words.  You need to do it with feeling and emotion knowing that you will get the protection you are asking for even though these things are telling you that you are wasting your time.  They are liars and the son of liars.  You can’t believe anything they say.

That voice that told you “Don’t you dare!”  When you began thinking suicidal thoughts IS your Higher Self and Higher Power.  It could not have made it any clearer to you that it is present there with you.  What you are undergoing is happening for a reason.  You are in a spiritual battle.  If you persist in changing your frequency to one higher and more positive, there is no one on the planet who will be able to convince you that evil spirits don’t exist and that it is possible to rid yourself of them and help others do so.  

Know that the suicidal thoughts are coming from them and you are not doing what you need to in order to counter them.  Making you feel helpless, then filling your head with suicidal thoughts is one of their most common tactics.  Suicidal thoughts evoke massive amounts of fear and anxiety which they feed off of.  And don’t think that killing yourself will get you out of anything.  You will have to return and face a very similar situation again successfully and usually in short order.  You escape nothing by suiciding.  Nothing at all. 

Your resistance to these things has stirred up a hornets nest.  They see the threat in what you are doing and are doing everything in their power to make you fearful and get you to back off and stop.  You need to redouble you efforts.  Get a clove of fresh garlic, cut it up and hang the pieces in every room in your home.  Let it sit for 72 hours then take it out and burn it all.  Get sea salt and put it in front of all the entrances to your room at night.  

Spend time meditating and seeing the light deep inside you growing brighter and stronger as you ask for help from positive spiritual sources.  Open yourself to receiving help and you will get it.  It is important that you remain as calm and peaceful as possible.  They will do everything within their power to get you fearful and upset.  This is a spiritual battle and you need to fight to change your frequency to a more positive frequency.  They are going to do their best to keep you stuck on the frequency you are trying to break away from.  

Stay away from everything negative; everything: News, movies, people, everything negative.  Watch at least one of Curtis’s
Offthelefteye videos every day.  Do things that make you feel good.  Stay clear of any addictive drug including alcohol.  I’ve heard these things hate marijuana as it calms you down without any addictive effects and they push people into using drugs that have negative withdrawal effects.  

Meditate.  These things don’t want a peaceful mind!  They want to keep you fearful and upset all the time so you will generate the negative emotional energy they feed off of.  Starve them out. 

If they will respond to you, ask them what right they have to be there torturing you.  If they give you an answer, do what you need to in order to deny them that right.  These things often attack people who suffered serious physical, mental or sexual abuse previously.  These scenarios program victims to think with a fearful, anxious mindset and these entities are drawn to such a mindset like sharks to blood.  Once they locate such a victim, they start flooding their minds with more fearful and anxiety provoking negative thoughts ripping open old wounds.  This is why forgiveness and moving on with one’s life is so critically important. 

Although I sense that you’ve moved far enough in a positive direction to upset and weaken these things somewhat, you’re spending more effort and energy concentrating on the negative, fearful crap they are filling your head with than making an effort to change the frequency you are tuned into.  Think of a radio that has many channels and you have free will to turn to any channel you want.  Likewise, your effort to change your thinking to a more positive productive channel and away from the fearful and negative channel you are currently tuned into needs to be strong and consistent.  

You can’t back off once you start.  Keep in mind that they will be threatened by your efforts and will do everything possible to stop you, so things are likely to get worse while they throw their tantrums before they weaken more and begin to back off.  

If you keep up the pressure, often they get fearful and will back off for awhile or try to bargain with you to let them stay with lies promising they won’t be as bad.  Don’t believe or trust anything they say.  

As you push forward and persist, brace for things to get worse for awhile and know that things are getting worse because these entities are fearful and their emotional supply of negative energy they are used to you producing for them is being cut off.  Stay calm, continue to demand that your Higher Self send you the help you need to rid yourself of these things and don’t ever give up. 

Again, I’m going to attach for you the websites you need to spend a lot more time with.  Before reading or watching anything on these sites, you need to ask Michael or your Higher Self for protection so you can read and understand the material or the negative entities will divert and block your attention and concentration.  

Even if you have to struggle line by line to understand this material and assimilate it, do it line by line.  These things cannot defeat your will and intent although they will try to get you to believe that their will and their intent IS your will and intent.  This is one of their most dangerous and devastating tactics.  DON’T fall for it.  You must clearly separate their will and intent from yours and know the difference.  You will see that their intent is to frighten, weaken and convince you that you are helpless and can’t overcome them.  This is also a lie. 

You are well ahead of the game in knowing that these things AREN’T you or who you are.  They are many who believe that the negative thoughts that mysteriously appear in their minds are who they are.  They never question where these negative thoughts come from or ask if the intent of these thoughts match the intent of who they really are and where they want to go.  You on the other hand know that these negative, fearful, self-defeating thoughts don’t belong to you and that you don’t want them.  As such, you are well ahead of those who haven’t yet come to this realization. 

Although we know a lot about these entities, all of us on this end are still learning.  We would very much appreciate your feedback as to which of the tactics we have posted you find the most useful and how your voices and these entities react to your trying out the various tactics we’ve posted to help others.  

Your feedback would be extremely useful both to us and others who are alone and silently suffering from the attacks of these entities fearful of telling anyone or asking for help.  

It is critical that you free yourself from these things so you can turn around and help others suffering from these same attacks.  Once you experience the existence of these entities and the damage they are capable of, no psychiatrist or highfalutin doctor will ever be able to tell you that you are merely hallucinating and that these things aren’t real.  Scour the sites below and spend a lot of time assimilating the material.  

Before you go to sleep at night, imagine an explosion of white loving light blasting any of these dark spirits out of your body then ask your guardian spirits to help you construct a thick wall of white light around yourself and to protect you from the invasion of these things during the night.  Feed the light within you with positive spiritual material.  

Keep in touch with us.

Ok, now get to work.  You’ve got a lot of information to assimilate and nobody can do it for you.  You have to do it.  Get a notebook and take notes.  These entities have complete access to all your memories and can pull up every guilt drenched thing you have ever done (real or false) and rub it in your face. 

They also can make you forget almost immediately everything you see and hear in the information above, so get a notebook and write down the most important things you encounter that you feel will help otherwise they will make you forget.  Review that notebook constantly.  I don’t know what happened that got you tuned to this negative channel, but it’s going to take a lot of work on your part to change stations.  Again, nobody can do it for you.  Now get cracking.  You’ve given these things a good kick in the butt, give them a few more than drive them out completely by cutting off all negative thought and emotion and replacing with a new, positive spiritual path which you need to keep moving forward on. 

If you are willing to work hard, we are willing to keep helping you, but you have a lot of hard work to do and again, only you can do it. 



On Mon, May 8, 2017 


Well said to AW about what to do.  In that you wrote: “Stay away from everything negative, everything: News, movies, people, everything negative.  Watch at least one of Curtis’s Offthelefteye videos every day.  Do things that make you feel good.” 

This is very good advice during AW's healing process.  Here is a
youtube channel that I like.  Everything they produce is geared toward spiritual healing and relaxation.  


You may like some of these too while you are learning to be consistent with controlling what you think.  Or just when you need to relax.

During this healing process, you are going to feel like you are wasting your time, or you are going to feel like you do not have the time to meditate or just relax.  Those feelings are not yours.  Those feelings are more lies from the negative beings that do not want you to heal.  They prefer you as a tasty meal when you are under their spell. 

Every time you feel negative, you leave a part of you somewhere in the cosmos which creates a vacuum which is like an open door for negativity to find its way into you.  The more you do this, the greater the vacuum or the wider the door opens for infestation from the negative beings who thrive on negative energy and become stronger.  When you continue leaving parts of you (your positive energy) here and there, you become more vulnerable to them and so goes the circle of what you are experiencing now. 

Trust in what Jerry advises for he has dealt with these things for a long time and he has seen successes.  I have dealt with these things myself, for a long time, and know that once I understood that I do have it within me to control what I think, the road to success was not too far off.  

During the healing process keep a notebook, a journal.  This is vital so you can remember what you do that works.  Stay with it, AW, and you'll get there.  You cannot let up no matter how frightened you become. 

Fear is just a 4-letter word FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. 

In other words, Fear is just another lie - a big one. 

We are spiritual beings residing in these physical earth suits (our bodies).  We are made from Love therefore we ARE love.  Remember that. 

Say, know and mean ===>    “I am love; I radiate love; I love and I am loved.” 

Don't allow anyone or anything to tell you otherwise.  If they do, you know they are telling you a lie.  Whatever the Creator is, it loved you into life.  Now it's up to you to remember that. 



From: AW
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2017 10:29 AM
To: Sherry Swiney
Cc: Jerry Marzinsky 

Thanks Miss. Sherry and Mr.Jerry 

I want to thank you for trying to help me.  I read all of your messages and went straight to the website again and read.  I then did the flower mediation while listening to
TheHonestGuys water sound meditation. 

I went to sleep.  Something strange happened.  My mind does not feel right.  I prayed  and went to sleep after the flower mediation.  I dreamed I was in my room and my cat was beside me.  I felt very strange.  I sensed no danger so I assumed I was awake.  No paralysis ether.  I got up and my cat just bit me than he vanished.  My vision became blurry and I saw a shadow and it was just standing in the middle of the room.  I woke up with my body very numb.  I then felt even more strange.  So I started to pray but for some reason my mind had these dark images.  I turned on my computer and opened my word document where I put the 3rd psalm.  As I read it I got to the part "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil" and my mind just… I can not explain it.   

I had these quick fast thoughts after that.  I then started to feel I was losing something.  I kept going and repeated it over and over again then went to sleep.  I woke up in my room again.  Felt strange.  No sleep paralysis.  I heard my mom and grandma talking about something in the other room.  

I then felt like my energy was quickly being drained.  When I went to the door my cat clung on to me and bit me which, I knew I was asleep.  I calmly stepped back and my cat stopped biting me. So I took a deep breath and as I exhaled I could not hear myself.   I then sat in the middle of the floor and just waited till I would wake up.  

I waited and as I waited for some reason this overwhelming sadness just hit me.  I tried to figure out what made me upset.  I never had a traumatic event (that I know of).  I have gotten over the things I regret.  It increased and I have never ever felt this way in awake life nor in a dream. 

I then thought of the "
Allen story" and sort of remembered how they drained his energy.  I could not remember the rest.  I tried to think of what to do.  The sadness was drowning me and I started to become dizzy so I closed my eyes just in case something would come.  Eventually, when I woke up just now I feel very empty inside.  I really want to thank you both for trying to help me.  I do not think I am strong enough.  I have been fighting the voices and fighting all my life with the nightmares/dark images.  I have been to therapy in the past and the only thing therapy did was get over some things.  I am very tired.  I honestly would rather be a zombie on heavier medication than this pain.  Truly thank you both for everything.  Have a great rest of the day. 


Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 1:37 PM 


It might not seem so, but you are making progress. 

One thing you don’t seem clear on is that you are able to leave your body and remain aware.   You don’t seem to understand what is happening to you at these times.  This could be a great gift if utilized properly.  I highly recommend that you go to Amazon and see if you can get a used copy of
Robert A. Monroe’s “Far Journeys” and read it as soon as possible.  It will clear up a lot for you. 

You are strong enough, but don’t think you can free yourself by your own power.  You need to pray for and ask for help.  Those prayers will do no good if they are hollow words with no meaning.  You must ask EARNESTLY for the help of your higher self, Jesus or your guardian angels.  If those entities sense you are serious and willing to lay aside your ego and sincerely sense that you want to turn your life around, you will get the help you ask for.  

Medications will weaken these entities as they will calm you down and allow you to continue your fight until you don’t need drugs any more, but they will take a toll on your nervous system often causing damage with long term use. 



On Tue, May 9, 2017 


Sherry here.  I have not read Jerry's words to you yet and I will....later.  Right now, I am compelled to say something to you about my own battle with the dark side beings.  This was before I discovered how our brains work and how everything they are saying about me is a lie, i.e., "
The That's A Lie Program". 

I remember a time when things got so bad that I said to myself, "Maybe I am not happy unless I'm sad."  I was so unhappy, miserable, walking the fence.  On one side of the fence there was freedom and on the other side was imprisonment (or insanity).  Many times in those days, when striving for the freedom side was so much work, so much effort, and so little progress, that I felt like it would be easier to just let myself fall over to the imprisonment side and let others take care of me.  I felt worthless, useless, helpless, not strong enough.  I tried many things (none of the ones Jerry and I have been telling you because we didn't know about those remedies back then).  I could appear on the outside like a totally happy person, so no one knew what was happening to me.  Alone, or god-forbid in a relationship, I was a mess.  I cried for no reason that I knew of and felt so sad.  I kept researching the brain and reading self-help books and I tried in earnest, just as you are, and so often wanted to just give up. 

But there was a dim spark inside of me.  I knew it was there, buried beneath tons of muck and stuff so much so that there was hardly anything left to shine through. 

The time came when several things happened that began to change my life.  First, there was a book I found in the library.  It literally fell on the floor at my feet and that was no accident.  I took the book home and read it (this story is on my blog in the
That's A Lie Program).  You see, at that time I did not know choice was an option to me.  Yes, I know everyone should know that but apparently some people don't and I was one of them.  When I read that we have it within us to control what we think, I was stunned!  Absolutely stunned. 

I set out to do that and you can imagine how hard that was to do, what with the dark side playing every trick in the universe to keep me in the same state you are in right now.  But I had just learned something new: I have it within me to control what I think and no one can MAKE me think something I don't want to think.  This new knowledge was absolute gold to me and I worked hard at using it.  I failed miserably many times but kept working at it. 

The next thing that happened was being given an opportunity to learn computer programming and in that process, I realized how much our brains are like computers.  THEY CAN BE PROGRAMMED!  And this is what the dark side had been doing to me all my life.  Programming my brain.  Since I had learned that I could control what I think and the brain was like a computer, and that it had been programmed to think and experience things I didn't want to think or experience, then I desperately wanted to learn how to REPROGRAM my brain. 

In this effort there was no room for being timid.  But I was timid in many ways - trained to be timid so that the dark side and all sorts of people could easily take advantage of me.  To stop doing that took courage and I thought somewhere inside there must be some courage as I felt like I was actually fighting for my life.  In between I also had days of wanting to just give up, let them have their way, as this was just too, too hard.  You know, what difference does it make anyway, who will care, no one, and who would even notice - no one.  Or so the dark side kept saying to me. 

The long story short, I am no longer that person who struggled so hard with such diligence, who finally found her courage.  It was deeply buried.  That little tiny spark of light that I once sensed slowly became more and more apparent to me.  The more I worked at this, the stronger that light became and finally I had an ally that was actually the hidden me that had so feared coming out of her spiritual cocoon.  But with her new found courage, she came out, albeit with wobbly knees and quivering lips ready to burst into tears at any moment. 

AW, you can do this!  Don't give up.  It isn't worth it to give up.  Remember that all things negative are LIES!  Try to remember that in your next dreams.  Keep trying to remember that until you automatically remember. 

I'll read Jerry's words after sending you my thoughts and I hope they help you see that you are not fighting a losing battle.  You are worth the effort you are making.  Curling up and giving in is not the answer. 

Blessings to you,


From: AW
To: Sherry Swiney

cc: Jerry Marzinsky
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 9:07 PM 

Hello, Miss.Sherry and Mr. Jerry, 

I will try again.  Thank you Miss Sherry for sharing your story, I surrendered into the darkness in my mind and truly wanted to curl up and just take the pain.  I just had an interesting dream this morning that has answered one of my many questions as well or maybe it was lying.

I dreamed I was in a food store.  A giant food store.  Everything was normal except to make it short I had a fight with two people.  I was angry at what they said and I attacked them.  Then walked off.  I saw a man playing with a shoe and wanted to join in.  We played a bit till he looked me in the eyes (As always when I look into that person's eyes in a dream they hate me or walk away with disgust).  So he walked away and then I went to find a corner to sit in till I woke up.  I went to the back of the store and saw these workers and one of them walked up to me.  It was an old woman who looked like the grudge. 

She said she wanted me to help her make some flowers and then threw some flowers on the ground.  The flowers looked like flowers dipped in cement.  I then asked, "Why do they hate me?  Why?" 

She then looked at me and said, "I rather not say." 

I then begged her and said, "Please.  They keep hurting me.” (I said a few other things then gave up). 

Then I stopped talking.  Walked away, and she ran to me and said, "Darkness fears and wants you." 

And I said, "Why?" 

And she said, "You are very strong and they know you can really hurt them.  When someone is very strong they target them." 

And I said, "Even when I know I am dreaming I would not be able to hurt them." 

And she said, "That does not matter."   

Couple things happened but it is not very important.  After I dreamed that I thought about it and the voices in my mind starting cursing saying it was a lie.  They have been loud all day so I read the 23 psalm and they pretty much calmed down (became excited I felt) and copied me then said what the other voices said when I read the bible about 1-2 years ago. 

One said, "Amen." 

Another said, "This is very interesting my lady.  I wish to know more.  Let us read the bible." 

Another said, “Yes my little lady!  Did you know Moses did not really go alone?  As a matter of fact he had someone with him.  Let us read to find out who!" 

Another said, "Tell me my lady do you know what happened in the book of revelation?  It is a very interesting story." 

They pretty much were telling me things and talking to each other about what they liked in the bible and got even more excited. 

Then I said, "I do not wish to read right now." 

They then got angry again.  Ever since I said that this morning they are pretty active and saying the same old things they always say, "Judgment day will come for you!" and "Innocent act of forgiveness!" or "I am bewildered by your decisions" and other things. 

I then told the voices I loved them (just out of curiosity because you said love makes them weak) and they said, "Love?  Love does not exist my dear it is a chemical reaction in the brain.  Do your research." 

Then one said, "You think you love us because you have become a suggestibility." 

And I said, "What is that?" 

He was silent then they kept saying big words.  When they say words I do not know I research them and when I researched that I do not believe that I am. 

Another said, "To conclude the fact you are an
incupunet fool who needs to waste away at the slave yard and become an attribute to society."  [interesting that the word incubus means nightmare associated with demons] 

Another said, "Society has brought on a new age.  An age of enlightenment, and age of hope, however hope has been lost in your future.  It is dark and empty like the belligerent (he cursed) you are." 

I then said, "If love does not exist then why is there a word love?" 

A voice said, "Love is an unpredictable
coget that humans have created."  Then they ranted about love.   

I then asked, "Why are you so mean to me?" 

One said, "We are critiquing you my dear." 

Then one said, "I believe this is not working and we should try a different approach."  

Then they were all silent and one said, "Do you believe in methodology?" 

I did some research and then thought.  The same voice then said, "Do you believe that methodology can change the world?" 

I said, "yea." 

Then he said, "Since you believe that you should accept the fact to coexist with us." 

Another voice, "Methodology is bigotry do not fill her mind with false thoughts." 

Then one said, "Bigotry is an algorithm that needs to be concluded to become susceptible to change.  Therefore, bigotry is an essence of one's mind creating manipulation and---"  

Well they went on and on.  Then I interrupted his long speech about bigotry and said, "Why should I coexist with you?" 

One said, "Humans coexist with animals why not with us." 

Another said, "Fact over fiction my dear." 

Then one said, "Coexisting with us is important because if you don't your brain will malfunction." 

Then I said, "You are lying." 

Then one said, "Tell me then.  What happens when a bee leaves its nest?"  

Then it said, "Bees can not coexist without the manipulation of others that transcends them into making honey.  Therefore, without a queen that manipulates them they die." 

Anyway they said many things that I do not really feel like typing.  They kept talking and are still talking at this moment. 

Mr Jerry, 

I am earnest when I pray.  I pour my heart and soul into it.  An angel only saved me once from the dreadful thoughts of the voices and that was when I was awake.  I remember it clearly and I know it was an Angel.  This was when I was "friends" with my old voices.  They told me to only drink water and if I don't they would come in my dreams and hurt me.  So I ignored them and I was tired.  I closed my eyes and the voices were very harsh to me.  I then only saw red and black and prayed.  All I said was, "Someone help me."  As I did I woke up and felt a large gust of wind hit my left ear and it said, "Very well." 

The voices whispered.  One said, "It's here...." 

Another said, "Sshh or it will hurt us." 

Then another said, "Hey!  We have been good!" 

I felt the fear coming from them and then I became afraid.  After that they were silent for about 3-5 days.  Then, they came back.  Ever since then I have used the same energy and passion when I pray and ask for help.  Nothing happens.  Also, I do know a little about leaving the body/lucid dreaming and I am forced by the monsters in my sleep.  Before I start floating/feeling light as a feather the monsters stand over me and I always feel there hands move under me carrying me or left me up.  I am trying to not do that because they want me to for some reason.  Even the voices "encourage" me to leave my body and often before I sleep they tell me what to do like a meditation tape.  Whatever the reason I know it is not good.  I will read the book you suggested though. 


On Fri, May 12, 2017 

Hi AW, 

Your dreams are remarkable and your recall of them is quite detailed.  As I read them, there seems to be a mix of you and the dark beings.  Their antics in mocking you only work because you take them in as something serious.  Therefore you give them power over you.  Fact is, they have no power of their own.  The only power they have is what they take from people. 

It is said that dreams are your spirit speaking to you and that all the characters in dreams represent something about you. 

I sense that you experienced some sort of trauma that you have not yet recalled and don't even know exists, but your subconscious knows and so does your spirit.  If you could determine, while awake, what the things represented in your dream mean to you that might tell you something you have not yet realized. 

For example, what does "grudge" mean to you?  How does "grudge" fit into your every day life?  What does "fighting for food" mean to you?  And so on.... Write these things down so you can look at them and see if, over time, their meanings change.  In other words how your perception of these things change. 

What do flowers dipped in cement mean to you?  How does that fit into your every day life?  

In your dreams, all these characters hate you.  I wonder if these characters, which represent some aspect of you, are connected with the trauma that is buried deeply, meaning I wonder if the symbolism in your dreams of characters hating you and leaving you represents you hating you for being abandoned or for abandoning something or someone.  

Then the dark beings come in to tease you, mock you.  One interesting thing the dark beings said during their mockery episode was "Innocent act of forgiveness!"  While they were mocking you in saying this, the truth is that we each need to forgive everyone who has ever done us wrong, and most importantly we need to forgive ourselves for all of our mistakes so we can stop living in the past and begin living in the present. 

By the way, judgment day comes for everyone but not the way you may think.  It's not judgment really but rather a life review to see how you did while in physical form.  Not for the purpose of judging, but for the purpose of learning.  So another lie from the dark beings. 

Now, they do not believe love is real, therefore they must tell you love doesn't really exist.  Love is a frequency.  That frequency exists and is measurable in a laboratory with specialized equipment.  There are many levels of love and the one we think of right away is the kind of love we have for another person, a romantic love, or love for a parent, a child, a spouse, a friend.  This is physical 3D love.  A higher level is Cosmic love, the frequency that was used to create this universal design we live within.  It's not biblical or religious.  It just is.  It's unconditional, meaning no conditions remove it or change it in any way. 

You cannot be good enough or bad enough to ever have that Cosmic love frequency change in this universe.  It's always there.  The difference is whether you recognize it, acknowledge it, and receive it.  No judgment if you don't.  No judgment if you do! 

But life in the Cosmic Love Frequency gives you a lot of power over the dark beings and they do know this and fear it.  They will fight against it tooth-and-nail, by any means but when you keep it up, they finally see that you are serious and they no longer have a hold on you, so they have to leave or starve to death.  That is the truth. 

The rest that they have said to you is not.  It is mockery plain and simple.  Knowing how these entities work and reading their words to you actually makes an aware person laugh.  I recall similar nonsense chatter and at one point I actually did laugh.  They vanished.  But later did return only to repeat the same thing again.  I laughed again and they vanished again.  They no longer pushed my buttons.  They no longer had any influence on me.  I was no longer a meal for them, and they left. 

Praying and asking for help is fine and we all need to do that in the beginning.  But as it is said, "God helps those that help themselves," we cannot succeed by asking our angels to just do everything for us without working at it ourselves.  Are you spending time protecting yourself as Jerry described?  That is by you, not your angels. 

Are you standing strong, knowing that the voices are lying to you?  Not yet because you are arguing with them as though they know what they are talking about.  To me, they are morons marching in a parade, comical in some ways with their insane antics, but this is very serious to one that doesn't see it this way, and when believing that they have power over you, it can be dangerous.  So stop that! 

You are playing the weak role and that's a lie.  If you are reacting unconsciously to some hidden trauma, do the dream investigation of what these things mean to you and see what happens in your subconscious recall.  When doing this, you cannot lie to yourself to soften whatever is remembered for that will accomplish nothing.  This is the time for you to be brutally honest with yourself.  You need not tell anyone else what you have learned unless you want to.  But dig down, find out what has not yet been revealed, bring it to the surface, look at it as though you are watching a movie so you do not have to relive it.  When that happens, don't go into the guilt thing or any other such emotion and when the dark beings come to rub things in or mock you.  Just tell them, "You know what?  Go take a flying leap.  I'm not doing that any more."  They will argue and you say, "Yeah, well that was then and this is now.  Stick around if you wish.  I send you LOVE."  That's it.  Stick with it no matter what they say, just repeat, "I send you LOVE."  Don't say "I love you" because you don't 3D love them.  But you can in honesty send them the frequency of Cosmic love.  So “I send you LOVE.”  That’s it. 

I hope I've been able to show you the difference with clarity between 3D love ("I love you") and Cosmic love ("I send you love") in a meaningful way so that you really do get it. 



From: AW
To: Sherry Swiney
Cc: Jerry Marzinsky
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 9:57 AM 

Miss Sherry, 

Thank you so much!  For some reason I remember every dream and detail which my old therapist when I was 15 (I am 22 now) he thought it was very interesting as well (I would tell my old therapist every detail about my dream to the sky and clouds to what people are wearing. I would tell you everything but that would be very long).  Often I forget about it in a couple of days but when something in my waking life I see it is triggered and I remember everything almost like a memory.  Yes you are correct the voices are lying.  I know they are lying but I am always curious of what they have to say and learn some new vocabulary.  The cosmic love and frequencies is very interesting!  Also, what you said about them saying "innocent act of forgiveness" I agree with you 100%!  They have always said that to me and I never bothered to investigate.  Thank you! 

You and Mr. Jerry are right about me relying on god and angels ALL the time.  I remember about 2 years ago I tried to put it in my hands and it ended up with me being in a rage.  I started to train myself to feel rage at the start of the dream and that is when I knew I was dreaming whenever I felt that way (A friend told me that when he was little and went into a rage and never had nightmares again.)   

In one of those dreams that I remember I was walking in a dark alley and saw a gray bus. I walked onto the bus and saw myself with red eyes sitting in the back seat.  I focused and filled myself with rage and attacked it.  I then blacked out and ended up in another dream. With me laying in my bed and something invisible holding me down (I do not think the voices expected that.  I have learned they control my dreams and plan out how I will act and stuff).  The invisible being said, "Calm down." 

I then got more and more angry and attacked it.  I kept attacking in each dream until I had a dream of looking in the mirror and seeing a monster.  Since then I always feel bad when I "attack" in dreams.  I will try cosmic love and see if that does anything. 

Since the voices came they have never rubbed things in my face from my past.  They never even tried and I believe it because I got over it.  It was mostly petty things like making a mistake at something. 

Now that I think deeply about it I think I had a traumatic event in my childhood.  I remember when my grandfather was living (He passed away in 2014) he was very religious.  He forced me and my sister to read the bible everyday.  He lived with us. (this was about when I was 9-10).  I remember having severe nightmares to the point I would not sleep for days.  My grandpa then took some olive oil and put the cross symbol on my forehead with the oil.  It pretty much did not help.  In my mind I thought that demons were always after me because my grandfather never explained very well about demons.  I remember every night I would turn on animal planet* (back in the days when they just showed animals and not people) and it calmed me down till I went to sleep.  My grandpa said to pray and the nightmares would go away.  One day, also, when I was younger he made us watch the exorcist movie and said if we did not believe in god we would be possessed.  Every night after that I would have panic attacks almost everyday.  I would be terrified to go to the bathroom or do anything.  I also remember leaving the body while I was awake because I was terrified (I think it was leaving the body) I would see myself curled up in a ball in my room.  When I was in school I remember be scared for no reason and then seeing myself looking down at myself from my desk.  I was scared of pretty much everything on this planet.  Objects, animals, people, everything. (because in my dreams everything attacked me).  I also remember waking up from a dream and feeling the pain where it was inflicted upon on my body.  It lasted for about 3mins after every dream then went away.  (It now lasts for a few seconds) 

About a year later, when I was still young, the dreams got worse and they would continue after each other.  I remember I would dream of a man taking thumb tacks and stabbing me with it.  Then the next dream he would continue where he left off.  I truly believe my traumatic event was from my dreams because they feel like memories often making me confused about reality.   

Some of my dreams came true which made me a bit crazy.  One dream I had was going onto the school bus and it crashed.  I was scared and pretended to be sick and that same day my bus crashed into a car.  No one was hurt.  (I then just came to the fact it was just a dream and it just happened later as I got older) 

As the days went by I would just suck it up and force myself to sleep.  I would then sleep A LOT (which I still do after I get home from college) because the nightmares were draining and since I am an introvert, conversations with people was exhausting me even more. 

In middle and high school I would go to school, stay there to do my homework, come home and do my chores and sleep all day.  In the summer I would do chores and sleep all day.  My family got worried and took me to the doctor for my sleeping habit and they just said I need more vitamins (which is another reason why I can not think of a traumatic event because I have been sleeping half of my life and avoid drama and people with a passion).  They soon just got over the fact I sleep all day. 

Anyway back on topic.  As got older we stopped doing bible study and after that I slowly started to not be afraid of everything.  Which now I am not afraid of this world much but terrified of dreaming of pain and have flashbacks of some dreams when triggered. 

For example if I see a knife on the ground I think about one of my dreams where I was stabbed by a knife and feel the pain where I was stabbed at.  When I turned 15, I remember it got very bad and I told my grandma I need help.  The dream I had that made me want to get help was when I dreamed I was making a sandwich and when I woke up I would look for it. 

Another was when I would eat in my dream and when I was awake I did not eat because I thought I already ate.  I would also dream of doing my chores and my mom would get upset when I told her I did it when I did it in my dream.  My mom then told me before I got help she thinks I have what she has which was schizophrenia.  (Which I never knew because she never acted strange, but she does sleep for long periods of time after she takes her medicine.)   

It took awhile to find a doctor.  As I was waiting, I searched up "How to get rid of nightmares" and found meditation which I told Mr. Jerry about and met my first voice whose name was Lydia.  After that every time when I was about to fall asleep I would hear a bunch of people talking and calling my name. 

I then got a therapist for a few months which helped me get over mistakes I made then I stopped.  He told me to put stickers on my wall and if I did not see them I was dreaming which worked for 2 days then the stickers came in my dreams.  Every Night when I was in therapy I would hear the voices have conversations with themselves which I found interesting.  I never told my therapist for some reason not sure why. 

My grandpa also passed away at the time.  Then after the Zero event (I told Mr. Jerry about in my first email) I met another spirit whose name was Zero.  He came in my dreams, protected me against everything and we talked.  

I heard this other voice that suddenly appeared it said, "Liar" and I asked Zero and he said he did not say that.  Then the voice said, "He is just being with you to make someone jealous." 

Then he said, "He can not hear me because I am more powerful". 

Then I went insane for a bit and I remember believing that voice and repeated, "I am a liar, I am a disgrace etc." 

I remember curling up and just being upset those past days.  Then a bunch of other voices came and they actually snapped me out of it.  After I came back to reality one deep voice said, "You are going to hell." 

Then they left me even Zero.  Stupidly I did not learn my lesson from the voices and met new ones and now that I think about it.  I believe it was all their plan to get me to trust them (Because I have trust issues). 

I remember after that event I heard a voice whose name was Amer said, “Well then sadly it seems we are stuck to you."  I then met a group.  Whispering walls, Whispering Plants, and Lying Doors. 

To make this short, before I found out they were liars I was friends with them (A Lot of stuff happened and there were a lot of warning signs that I ignored and that would take a very long time for me to type).  

I would meditate and meet them in my fantasy world spending many hours with them in trance like sleep.  I then figured out everything they said was a lie.  When they told me I would die if I hang out with my friend and I did and nothing happened.  Also when they said they want to bring me to my own demise.  After that they mimicked me and a lot of other stuff happened.   

I then developed a trick that makes me know the differences between their voice and mine.  I do this trick that I have developed.  I agree halfway with them then correct myself.  For example the voice would say, "I am useless" then I think, "Yes I am useless today but tomorrow I will be more productive.”  Or the voice would say, "I am a coward" then I would say, "Yes I am afraid of feeling pain isn't anyone else?" 

I told them that they are liars and I am not there friend anymore and that our alliance is broken.  They got angry.  They then tried to make my life a nightmare.  I used the trick I told you about and it was very difficult but I kept it up.  (A lot of other stuff happened) 

The last day they screamed like banshees. They left.  New voices came.  My family got worried about my isolation those past couple of days when I was having an inner battle with myself.  So they made an appointment with the psychologist that my mom has.  I got medication which is haloperidol and lorazepam (she took me off of lorazepam so now I am just taking haloperidol which I think I need a higher dose and I see her next week).  At this moment the voices are very active still.  I am going to keep trying different methods to get rid of them and that includes doing what you both told me. 


Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 9:01 PM 


I notice that many of your dreams include things that stab you: knives, thumb tacks, things that cause pain or things that attack.  If you are no longer afraid of the world as you once were, I wonder if some (not all) of your dreams are memories of a past life.  I know in one of my past lives, I was labeled a witch because I was healing people with herbs and ceremonial song.  For punishment I was burned at the stake.  In another lifetime, I was labeled a renegade for speaking out against the establishment.  For punishment I was placed on The Rack, a medieval torture device, and stretched until I died.  

I'm not saying your attack dreams ARE from a past life event, only that it is possible.  Difficult to determine if you have no past life memories but something to consider.  If that is the case, then the act of forgiveness for all those things that were done to you, no matter what lifetime, is vital.  You have to mean it though and keep meaning it, sending those events Cosmic Love Energy. 

I say this because in these physical bodies there is something called "cellular memory" wherein the memories of events that continue over and over again (like you can't get rid of your dreams or get them to change) reside within each and every cell in your body.  Your brain may have dealt with the event okay but that doesn't mean all is cleared.  The body memory must be cleared as well.  How to do this?  Well, it's all about the nervous system and the gut.  I know that sounds strange but it's true.  In the physical, every ailment starts with gut health - or the lack thereof.  This means that in addition to all that you are already doing, you MUST eat a healthy live plant-based diet - fresh food, non-GMO, organic.  If you eat meat or dairy then only grass-fed pasture raised is acceptable for gut health.  No soft drinks, no alcohol, no refined sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no packaged or processed foods of any kind.  Organic teas, organic coffee, lots of clean filtered water.  Good fats, like coconut oil or pure organic olive oil or organic butter, but no seed oils of any kind and definitely no corn oil.  Organic apple cider vinegar, organic fruits, organic nuts (but avoid peanuts). 

It takes a few weeks to notice a difference in how you feel physically and you will also notice a change in how you feel emotionally.  This is a life-style change and at your age, you need to do this now.  Also, if you can, spend some time grounding.  By that I mean going barefoot in dirt, sand, grass, etc., for about 30 minutes a day, or sit on the grass at college for 1/2 hour a day.  These things are all for the objective of healing the cellular memory I mentioned above. 

Ideally for the nervous system, see if you can find a Corrective Chiropractor, not a Symptom Relief Chiropractor (there's a difference in results - the former corrects problems at its root; the latter provides temporary pain relief).  The corrective chiropractor will be able to tell you if your nervous system is working properly and will be able to help you get that corrected.  To explain this better watch this video by Dr. Bergman (he's in San Diego, CA) on the nervous system


A perfect example of cellular memory is demonstrated by your own words: “For example if I see a knife on the ground I think about one of my dreams where I was stabbed by a knife and feel the pain where I was stabbed at).”  Seeing a knife on the ground just laying there is, in reality, no threat at all.  But cellular memory being traumatized by your dreams (perhaps actually a memory from another lifetime or a time in this life that you don't remember), brings up the dreams of being stabbed.  That memory did not come from your brain.  That memory came from the cells remembering the trauma.  The way to heal cellular memories are physical, not spiritual.  That is why I listed the two things above (diet and nervous system).

Yes, depending on who is teaching/preaching the biblical scriptures, this book can be uplifting or terrifying.  Know that while we have learned that a lot of it has some basis in fact regarding historical events, much of it was changed by the kingdoms of the day to make the text conform with the politics of the day.  Texts were changed; about 48 books are still missing from the texts which still reside in the Vatican not for public viewing.  There is a high spiritual message in the scriptures but seldom is that message pointed out to students who are expected to rely on the teacher/preacher to know all things about the scriptures - and they do not! 

Normally the voices had it when a person reads the bible or goes to church.  In your case, I suspect the voices continue to say things like, "Let's read the bible [paraphrased]," because they know that what you were taught about the scriptures scared the pants off of you. 

Having you watch the Exorcist Movie was a big mistake as you have already figured out. 

Your mom was diagnosed with schizophrenia.  Now Jerry can tell you all about family connections with this.  “My mom then told me before I got help she thinks I have what she has which was schizophrenia, which I never knew because she never acted strange but she does sleep for long periods of time after she takes her medicine.” 

It's very interesting that your first voice was called Lydia.  I recognize that from medieval times.  The word in medieval times denotes black magic things associated with violations of incest taboos and a relation to Zoroaster in the mid-5th century.  In the biblical context, Lydia means strife, travail. 

We all have trust issues on some level.  And with good reason these days when we know the mainstream media and government, and so many other "leader" types are lying to the public every day.  That's a general public trust issue and a healthy one.  Other trust issues are well-founded but many are not.  You have to determine what your trust issues are then eliminate the ones that are based on false information.  Yes, I know it goes deeper than this but it's a start. 

I admire you for developing a trick to determine which is your voice and which is theirs: “I then developed a trick that makes me know the differences between their voice and mine.”  Yes, the full proof way to make this determination is for you to really know your own mind.  Know how you think.  Know how you feel.  Know what you think is right.  Know what you want to do with your life.  When you hear or feel anything that is contrary to what you know about your own mind, consider it them and know that the contrary thought/feeling is a lie.  Know it.  Feel it.  Then move on without engaging them except to say, "You're wasting your time with me.  I'm not doing that any more.  I send you love." 

You might want to read on side effects of the drugs you were given:


Best wishes,

P.S. Sherry not to self: some of this feels to me like this person is experiencing classic abduction experiences and if so, she needs to be in contact with abduction researchers who can help her more than we can.  Below is a listing of some researchers in this field that are listed on the internet: