
I do use prayer and affirmation all the time, even when the entities are not around.  It's a way of life for me every day.  I also stay in touch with my own mind, being aware of thoughts and feelings.  

Once you have gotten a patient to understand that these are parasitic beings or predatory parasites that practice injecting thoughts into the patient's mind, and once the patient has done all of the exercises you advise, and have done so successfully, then I think it's time for you to teach the importance of the patient recognizing that any and all negative thoughts, whether through hearing voices or just having negative thoughts and/or feelings, come from these parasites.  

In other words, no negative thought or feeling ever comes from the patient.  All negative thoughts or feelings are implanted lies.  Once the patient can recognize that, then it's time for the patient to SEND LOVE ENERGY to the parasite beings each and every time a negative thought or feeling is noticed. 

Long answer....but there it is pure and simple. 



It is very common for people with schizophrenia to suffer sexual tactile hallucinations.  Please help us find a way to stop the tactile hallucinations. 

If they are demons how do you stop it? 

Please go to and search "tactile hallucinations" 

Here is one story from the forum: 

“I haven't been diagnosed with schizophrenia but I couldn't find anywhere else appropriate to place this topic in. 

“I have suffered from tactile hallucinations now for over a year and they are becoming horrendous.  They are mainly sexual and regularly force me into an affliction I would rather not have.  I do not hear voices and I do not have visual hallucinations, just tactile ones.  I have tried to live with it but it is becoming deeply hurtful to be forced into acts I would never choose to engage in.  I have talked to family about it and they didn't want to know.  I also talked to someone outside the family and he wasn't much help either.  Consequently, I am now at the desperate point of taking my own life.  I can't visualise a future beyond that of more suffering, more doctors and more heartache.  This tactile stuff is freakish to the extreme: I feel hands on my shoulders and feel someone (or something) embracing me regularly in bed.  I could have coped with that, but this sexual stuff is impossible.  'They' want me to engage in this 'affliction' every day, and if I don't I receive a pinprick of electrical shock into my back for resisting.  As I type, 'something' is feeling about 'downstairs'. 

“All this is making me feel extremely tired and ill and I have fallen into complete non-functionality.  I have lost interest in all the things that used to give me enjoyment, and I feel totally isolated.” 

[Schizophrenia Forums, Schizophrenia Discussion Community for People Diagnosed, or who think they may have Psychosis.]



April 08, 2017 From SR: 

21 months ago, I was laying down doing my deep breathing to go to sleep.  (Earlier I had listened to a meditation that had brought in much light.)  I was beginning to see light as I did my practice.  Suddenly there was a darkness and heaviness that came over me from my head down.  My left side was also not working right.  I thought maybe I had had a stroke.  My heart was palpitating and my ears were ringing much louder than usual.  It took awhile before things settled down and I could sleep again.  But in an hour and 15 minutes, I was awoken with symptoms again.  I researched sleep paralysis, but I was able to move.  It seems that 'it' would attack as I was going to sleep or waking up.  There also were a few dreams that I experienced interference within the dream. I found that if I slept sleeping upright, things were somewhat better.  (However, if I go for a medical test, such as an MRI, I can lay down without having the symptoms start.) There were fluctuations in my blood pressure at these times too.  

Perhaps because of the experiences I had when I was in relationship with 'him' years ago (I don't know if he is alive or deceased as our relationship was decades ago and we have not been in contact since the breakup).  

I don't get that it is so much about me in particular, just that 'he' has gotten bitter, which could be from not doing his own 'work' on his issues, and there was this leftover psychic connection to me.  I don't like to write out what exactly is happening, because then it is used against me in later attacks.  Problem is when he wakes up before me and attacks while I'm still not fully awake.  I then wake up hurting.  Sometimes I have almost overwhelming sleepiness, like he is trying to put me to sleep.  It is a mistake to sleep then, because the attacks are intense while I sleep even though I protected with light before sleeping.  I think that sometimes he is in there more than at other times.  Not sure if he is ever entirely out.  Have wondered if he is stuck in there.


April 25, 2017 from Jerry: 


Here are the websites that will help you if you watch, read and put the information to use.  Clear before trying to read or watch any of this stuff.  Sounds like you are making some progress.  Make the adjustments I told you about. 

Your demon fb page

Your youtube channel 
My youtube channel 
Off the left eye youtube channel  

My website home page 
Paranormal page (all your articles) 
Paranormal page (all your videos and referenced books) 
Gaia tv  



April 26, 2017 from SR: 

Thanks Jerry, I will read it and I will email how I'm doing.  I did go to SGG, but had trouble doing exercises during group.  It built up to where I was quaking and antsy.  When I went to talk, I ended up crying and had to excuse myself to go to an exercise.  But I got to talk in a round about way (saying that my body gets out of balance energetically) about what was going on with me.  I didn't think it would be wise to be specific.  My plan for next week is to go to another room and do an exercise every half an hour or less. 


April 26, 2017 from Jerry: 

SR, here is a response to an individual who suffers attacks similar to those you have.  The information in it may help you.  

See letter below.  You are far from the only one under tactile attack.

Drop me a short note from time to time and let me know how you are doing with applying the information I referred you to on our websites.  Don’t try to go through each article or video in any kind of order.  Ask your guardian angels which of the bunch they feel will help you with your battle and watch or read that piece after clearing.  I’d start with the You Tube video’s on the listing I sent you.  I’d be interested in the response to each. 

Remember, this is a spiritual battle.  You have to work consistently toward starving these things of the negative emotional energy they have you generate through fear.



April 27, 2017 from SR: 

What I'm doing today is, first asking my guardian angels (not 'gardening agents', which comes out of my mouth sometimes by mistake Ha!) to help me make the net out of pure white perfect light (PWPL) that is hung in front of me (it can be taken down and used to capture negative energies coming out, but being hung up there frees my hands and is handy when I start the coughing that happens when they are upset and I see these as coming out with the cough and going into the net that is a circle with no way for them to get out because they are surrounded by the PWPL, but guardian angels and me can put them into the net) then visualizing that I'm standing and up thru the earth white molten lava which is flaming comes from the core.  With my hands I work the energy in my aura to a higher intensity, then use my hands to raise the white lava thru my feet, toes, etc until completely covered.  Along the way was the popping and sizzling as the negative energies and their devices, cords, etc were touched by the white molten lava of PWPL.  My entire body gets covered this way.  After completing the exercise including the cube box and hurling to feet of Jesus and protecting with PWPL around my entire body, I have been requesting the net of PWPL hung in front of me so it is handy whenever a feel that they are active and can swipe the area involved with the net dripping of PWPL and flames, which gets them into the net.  Today, this has given me more time in between exercises, which can take much time. 


April 27, 2017 from Jerry: 


Sounds like you are making progress.  As you begin to starve these things out with the exercises, first they will become more intense to try to stop you but if you persist they will begin to lose power and get weaker and come less. 

You didn’t mention anything about monitoring your negative thoughts, using the 23rd Psalm, your prayer, listening to at least one Off the left eye video a day or using the “That’s a Lie Program.  All of that needs to be done consistently.  During the periods you are clear, you need to be filling your head with positive spiritual stuff like that contained in the Off the left eye videos you can watch on your computer.  All of these tactics need to be utilized constantly.  Nor did you mention visiting any of the sites I sent you.  You need to do all of this and it’s going to take a lot of time and effort to begin with.  As these things begin to lose ground, you won’t face such staunch resistance. 

It is very good that you made it to church group, but as you saw, they didn’t like you being there.  Usually Frank gives out exercises you can do at home.  Keep going.  Anything that they don’t like is bad for them. 

Do all the stuff above today and write me tomorrow as to your results.  You need to keep very close eye on the thoughts coming into your mind which you didn’t mention at all.  Go to Sherry’s webpage at the web address I sent you and under the documents section read the instructions she wrote up about how to properly utilize her “That’s a Lie Program”.  Send me a short note tomorrow with the results.  This is going to take a lot of work on your part and nobody can do it for you.  We can show you what needs to be done, but you are going to have to do it.  It’s very good news you didn’t let them drive you away from Frank’s group, you won that one. 



April 29, 2017 from SR: 

Doing Thought monitoring - recognizing negative thoughts and calling them out w/"That's a Lie" and/or "Stop the Mind-chatter" 

Saying 23rd Psalm, The Lord's Prayer, The Blessing Prayer, and other prayers 

Singing songs that move me. 

Breathing awareness - breathe deeper and longer when recognize that I have been shallow breathing 

Watched 'Off the Left Eye' : The Power of Angels

In the beginning of the show, where the angel was sending Divine Love thru hands, I had a dream like that years ago.  In the dream there was a helper on my left that was supporting me as I held the offensive back rather than do what they wanted. 

Later in the show, where the person was talking about the density around a city when she was having out-of body, I found this interesting. It does make a difference where we live and what type of energy we each carry. I choose Love. 

Was able to get out and do errands during day, working as I went on this, although things had been quieter.  During last night, tho, there was more challenges to met and I got less sleep. 


April 30, 2017 from Jerry: 


Thanks for the progress report.  Sounds to me like you are doing much better.  It is very good you were able to get out and do errands.  Keep up the pressure on them and don’t let up.  You might visualize this entire process as your mind being stuck on a low frequency radio station playing music that you don’t like.  Those advertising on that negative station do not want you to switch to another station or frequency and will do everything possible to keep you tuned in for their own profit.  They want to keep that tuner stuck and keep you tuned into that frequency which feeds them and allows them to drain and feed off of your energy.  In order for them to accomplish this, they have instill fear, guilt and shame to turn your emotional state negative.  As you continue to feed yourself with positive spiritual energy, they will begin to starve and you can expect them to periodically get worse and throw periodic tantrums to frighten you and try to make you stop your positive progress.  Just expect it, it will happen.  Know that when it does, they are reacting out of fear of you beginning to starve them to death.  They can’t consume positive emotional energy, so keep up the good work despite their tantrums. 

I’m still learning much as you are and was wondering how much of an effect the “Blessings Prayer” had on these things.  My initial impression was that they wouldn’t like it much at all.  Would you send me an email with the words to that prayer? 

It looks like they have reverted to attacking you at night which is easier for them now that you are waking up consciously to how they operate.  You need to clear, pray to your higher self for protection at night before going to bed and surround yourself with a protective wall of white light.  Clearly state your intent that they leave and are not at all welcome. 

I think it might help if you make a visit to one of the Catholic churches and see if you can get a small vail of Holy Water to sprinkle on yourself before going to bed.  They hate that stuff also.  Remember to clear and get rid of them before watching or reading any of the information I sent you and keep up the pressure on them.  It takes a lot of work and you are the only one who can do it.  As they begin to lose their grip, you will be able to assimilate more information and the process will be easier.  Right now you need to keep up the pressure.  After they throw some tantrums and temporairly increase their attacks with what energy they have left to try and stop you, when they see they failed, they often back off and make you think that they are not all that bad or that they are gone hoping that you will stop your exercises.  Don’t fall for it.  You must keep moving along a positive spiritual path and feeding yourself with positive spiritual material.  Once on this path, you can’t turn back or stop or they will return much stronger and with friends.  Like the Bible says, you can’t leave the house empty.  

Hope you are continuing with Frank’s group at church.  Make a concerted effort to keep reading and watching the material I sent you and don’t let up. 

Keep me posted on how you’re doing. 



April 30, 2017 from Sherry to Jerry: 


Need to eliminate any physical reasons for the ears ringing to get that separated from the ringing associated with the attacks.  Make sure she has unplugged all appliances in her bedroom including her cell phone, cordless phone, TV and wifi.  These devices should all be in a room several feet away from her bedroom.  This will help eliminate the EMF in her immediate surroundings.  EMF will cause ringing in the ears.  Make sure she is sleeping in a dark room and if she must have some light to navigate during the night (i.e., to use the restroom) then be sure she is not using blue light.  Red night light is preferred.  Just before she turns in, be sure she is not watching something scary or violent on the computer, TV or cell phone.  

Her last thoughts before falling asleep should be in alignment with the idea that I AM LOVE, I RADIATE LOVE, I LOVE AND I AM LOVED. 

When she wakes up in the morning, and before she even gets out of bed, she needs to think or say out loud, I AM WHOLE, I AM PERFECT, I AM STRONG, I AM POWERFUL, I AM LOVING, I AM HARMONIOUS, I AM HAPPY.  When she says this, she needs to believe it within herself and if she can't believe it, then she needs to stay in bed repeating this until she does believe it.  After that, she can say her prayers for the voices, the dreams and anything else that troubles her. 



May 1, 2017 from Jerry: 


Here’s a response I received from Sherry who has been attacked by these negative entities as a young woman and long ago completely freed herself from them.  Her advice is solid and I highly recommend you put it into practice immediately.  She knows from experience. 

Please write me back in a few days and let me know how the information below is working for you.

Keep up the pressure on them.  As you deny them the negative emotional energy they feed off of they will get more and more desperate to stop you.  You can expect them to increase attacks for awhile before weakening.  You’re making good progress, keep the pressure up.  They didn’t like you going to Frank’s group, so if you haven’t returned, I’d recommend you do so.  Don’t isolate yourself. 

Next time your out and about, consider stopping by a catholic church and getting some holy water. Sprinkle it on yourself and all over your home.   Get sage and smudge your home.  I’d also get fresh garlic, cut it up and put pieces in every room in your home before going to bed then burn it outside after 72 hours.  Remember to put protective light around yourself before going to bed and ask your guardian angels or higher self to protect you during the night. 

Watch all the video’s and listen to the audio interview on this youtube channel: 

Keep us posted as to your progress. 



May 8, 2017 from SR: 


I like: you-tube by Christie Marie Sheldon "How to Change Your Frequency . . . " 

Off the Left Eye:  "How to Fee Your Mind from Hell" + others that I didn't write titles down 

Abraham talk "Push the Launch Button" on Hay House World Summit 

Eckhart Toole & Deepak Chopra 'Who is Asking "Who am I" on Hay House World Summit 

While watching these, there seems to be less interference coming in. 

Things have been quieter and for longer time periods where I just apply Divine Love to an area that flares up and it settles down, but then it seems to suddenly burn deeply in my mid-back in several areas, and I have to do the visualizing intensely with blasts and explosions along with prayers.  Then it burns deeper and more intensely.  

So, I have also been using Sombra analgesic cream on my back and have been doing Reiki, Body Code, Emotion Code, and Soul Code too.  

I use the 'Take . . .away Keep . . .away' asking often when I first start and customize it with what I get is the main problem at that time:  offensive/negative energies, parasitic entities, etc.  That seems to be effective sometimes.  It all seems to be in a state of flux… working sometimes and not at others.  Attacks seem to be quieter, subtler.  Don't know if 'it' is working in the background when things have been quiet. Then later something hurts like it has built up. 

Have been getting more and better sleep.  Still broken up in segments tho.

Have been saying affirmations before bed and before getting out of bed in the morning.  

Dream this am was about staying in a hotel on a high floor.  Only there was no hallway outside the room, just air.  I refused to stay in the room because I might not have remembered in the morning that there was the drop off and would have just walked out of the room into the air.  

When doing gentle movement exercises, seem to have some relief except for some of that burning in the mid-back, which I still use the aloe on, as if I'm applying Divine Love to it.  Mid-back is swollen somewhat.  

When I ask for Divine Love to come up from the core of the earth and thru my feet, legs, and up, I image it swirling around areas that are hurting and gathering the non-light then blowing it out of my mouth into the net made of Pure White Perfect Light (PWPL) where they are trapped.  When I get to my throat and my upper abdomen, I feel the reaction from 'it', that 'it' doesn't like what I'm doing.  So I have been taking my hands and grabbing handfuls of non-light energy around my throat, etc, and putting it into the PWPL net.  I feel the reactions when I do this.  I continue until I don't feel it. 

I have been reading in the shorter version of 'Heaven and Hell.' 

Went to SGG last Tuesday with Frank Rose, but they are taking a week off before it starts up again.  Glad it will be continuing.  I got thru the last one with some interference during, but didn't have to excuse myself and go to another room to do an exercise. 

I continue working on this in these multiple ways . . 


May 9, 2017 from Jerry: 


You are doing very well.  All of the video’s you listed below will help greatly in changing your frequency away from the fearful channel these entities want to drag you back onto.  Be persistent!  Keep filling your mind and heart with positive spiritual information.  It is very clear from what you say below that these things have lost significant ground and are getting weaker.  Expect significant flair ups as these things do their best to try to convince you that poisoning them with positive spiritual information is not working.  It is very good that you are using a multi-pronged approach and hitting them from several different directions.  Your higher self seems to now be choosing the kind of information for you that is most devastating to these negative entities.  They flair up trying to get you to believe that what you are doing isn’t working and want you to stop.  Just the opposite is happening.  They are now struggling to survive and throwing tantrums as their food supply of negative emotional energy and fear is being cut off.  Keep feeding yourself heavy doses of positive spiritual material as you have been doing.  Get back to church and make friends.  Isolating yourself is the worse thing you can do.  Their burning you more intensely when you visualize blasting them with light and prayer is a clear sign that you are putting the hurt to them.  Don’t give in to their tantrums, keep hitting them.  They will slowly weaken but they aren’t going to leave without a struggle.  They have lied to you and deceived you for a long time now.  You’ve been their food source for a long time and they resent you cutting them off.  Don’t back off one bit.  You are doing all the right things and they are starting to weaken as you starve them of the negative emotion, fear and guilt on which they feed. 

Another weapon you can utilize against them is meditation.  They absolutely hate a quiet peaceful mind as the mind in a calm and peaceful state generates none of the negative emotional energy on which they feed.  They will do everything within their power to stop you from meditating and getting in touch with your higher self.  Again, if you persist they will be significantly weakened.  Here is the address to a meditation site that will be a great help again if you persist and shut off the negative thoughts and bull crap that they are trying to inject into your mind with their negative thoughts.  Here is the address to the meditation site: 

Also check out Keyhole Journey's Meditation page.

Keep up the good work and keep up the positive spiritual pressure on them.  Don’t be afraid of them.  They are a bunch of Morons you don’t need or want in your life any longer.  They have served their purpose as you are now aware of their existence.  Free yourself completely of them so you can turn around and help others who are suffering as you have and help wake them up. 

Usually the tactic used that they react to most violently is the one that hurts them the most.  Their violent or painful reaction is their attempt to get you to quit using what is hurting them the most. 

Let us know which of the weapons you are using against them appears to get the strongest reaction from them. 

Thanks for the weekly feedback.  We much appreciate it. 



May 31, 2017 from SR: 

So, I do drink holy basil tea and I recently bought more chamomile tea. Years ago, after the crisis when I was 27 y/o (when I smelled things that other people didn't), the herbalist/iridologist I was going to, had me drinking Chamomile tea and it was making a dramatic effect on me.  

Before that I had already changed my diet since I could not tolerate sugar, caffeine, or fruit.  For many years I ate that way, until I started being dairy-free, then later gluten-free.  Eventually I found that I could rotate dairy, gluten, and other foods that I had become sensitive to so I could eat them every 3 days.  

However, in the past maybe three years, I was able to eat sugar again plus the rest.  Something had changed.  

I am going back on the strict way of eating and also doing high fat and low carb to get rid of the inflammation that I'm experiencing, plus hopefully the problems we have discussed.  Maybe because of how I used to eat these things had been kept at bay for many years ??? 

I have to go now or I would write more about this. 


June 4, 2017 from Jerry: 


It appears you're making steady progress.  I just got back into town after a week. 

Chamomile tea is good before bed and to keep you calm throughout the day.  You can also pick up Melatonin from Cosco which will help you with sleep and to stay calm.  Keep in mind these things want to keep you upset.  Make sure your ask for protection before going to sleep and surround yourself with light.  I'd stay clear of sugar and use Stevia.  You can get a big box at Cosco that will last you months. 

Have you started meditating yet?  That's important also, at least 20 minutes a day.  There's a lot on the internet about how to go about it.  The important thing is to shut off your mind completely as it is your thought which creates your reality.  Everything you need to know will come from within if you can shut your mind off long enough to listen.

Keep a close eye on negative and fearful thoughts.  Remember you are the chooser and can choose which thoughts you attend to.  Don't try to block them out, just let them blow through, just don't fixate on them. 

Glad to hear you're reading the simplified version of Heaven and Hell.  Hope you've gotten the "Conversations with God" Trillogy and will move on to reading his book, "Friendship with God."  I'm sure you can get all these books from the library and take notes.  I also think reading and understanding all of them is critical for your continued growth. 

You didn't mention much about the attacks you spoke of earlier.  I gather that they are no longer immobilizing you but not sure how often they are occurring at present.  Let me know. 



June 4, 2017 from SR: 

There are times when I go hours without attacks, then there are other times when I'm working at it several times w/n the same hour.  I don't like to write out what exactly is happening, because then it is used against me in later attacks.  I just keep working at clearing it out, pulling it off, and re-balancing my energy body.  I do the before bed things:  prayers, clearing, surrounding with light, etc  I still hear him in there sleeping (loud ringing ears) when I wake up.  Problem is when he wakes up before me and attacks while I'm still not fully awake.  I then wake up hurting. 

I looked at the stevia at Costco. It has sugar (dextrose) in it.  I use stevia drops (Kal and Sweet Leaf are brands I have used).  The powdered types have other things in them which aren't for me. 

I did read the CWG books years ago.  I enjoyed them.  I will check the library.  I appreciate your suggestions...not keeping up with all of this and clearing too.  I'm spending an hour in bed after I wake doing clearing, then prayers for me to be helped to receive and accept and allow true healing, then same type of prayers for the intruder and for everyone I know.  I'm thinking of them as I pray.  It takes a while and that has been my meditation.  I get out many of the days, since there seems to be fewer attacks when I'm busy out and about.  But then they have been more intense when I get home.  When things feel out of balance, I don't know if he is out of balance and I'm feeling him (since I pick up feelings at times) or if he is putting me out of balance.  Sometimes I have almost overwhelming sleepiness, like he is trying to put me to sleep.  It is a mistake to sleep then, because the attacks are intense while I sleep even tho I protected with light before sleeping.  I think that sometimes he is in there more than at other times.  Not sure if he is ever entirely out.  Have wondered if he is stuck in there. 


June 5, 2017 from Jerry: 

Sounds like you've made significant progress. The time they strike the hardest is between 2 and 4 in the morning.   See if you can tolerate Lavender oil aroma.  If so put some in your bedroom at night.  They don't like the smell of it.  Put a cross over your bed.  What usually happens is as you drive these negative entities out of your daytime life they move to the night and cause nightmares.  They don't want you to get any sleep.  If you keep up the pressure on them the nightmares should also disappear.   Check out Sherry's website under the paranormal section as she has a collection of prayers which are reported to work. 

Keep filling your head with positive spiritual material.  The Conversations with God trilogy by Neal Walsh and the Friendship with God sequel will all be good for you to read and study.  Keep going with watching the Off the Left Eye videos that interest you.  Keep in mind that positive spiritual material is toxic to these negative entities and is poison to them.  The more of it you feed into your mind, the weaker they get. 

It is also important that you make time to meditate or shut your mind off every day for at least 20 minutes or maybe a few minutes every hour.  Let me know how you do with the Neal Walsh books. 



June 5, 2017 from SR: 

I think I am calm and stay on top of things for much of the time. It just continues.  I don't have trouble sleeping, but I don't sleep enough when attacks are very intense at night.  These are the times I think he might be doing drugs. Many nights I get up to use the bathroom, clear, then go back to sleep.  

The library books that are new I put holds on.  The older books I get as e-books if available, since the older books are not what I can be around due to the chemical and mold sensitivities.  These are conditions that I work around. 


June 19, 2017 from SR: 

I keep doing the same things as before and I have been asking my guardian angels to reach into my body (like the side of my legs) where there is intrusion and pull out 'him'.  There is a reaction, so I keep doing this.  It seems to aggravate 'him'.  My legs did feel different afterwards, at least the first few times. 

I am getting emails from CWG website, which has two free books and various articles there.  The article I read today on stress management was helpful, even tho it is repeating info that I've heard before: gratitude, acceptance, knowing that this can be used to grow from the experience.  

Reading CWG #4.  Doesn't seem to be quite as interesting as books 1-3, but it has been many years since I read those and I've been reading and watching many similar webinars since then. 

I find all of the 'Off the Left Eye' webinars interesting.  They help me to have a better perspective on what is happening. 

I still feel like 'Sisyphus'.  Tho I don't feel that I did anything to deserve this treatment.  I just think that 'he' has lost his mind.  dementia???  'He' would be 85 now.  This all seems somewhat different from what I read on the Keyhole website. Perhaps because of the experiences I had when I was in relationship with 'him' years ago.  And I don't get that it is so much about me in particular, just that 'he' has gotten bitter, which could be from not doing his own 'work' on his issues, and there was this leftover psychic connection to me.  Meanwhile, I am getting practice in living in the moment.  Some moments are better than others. 

SRC is good for me spiritually to be going to services and SGG.  It is another challenge tho with the chemical sensitivities.  I get very sleepy in the Chapel.  This happens in other buildings also when I start to react.  I'm not having that problem in Fellowship Hall or in the Children's Chapel.  It could be the new carpet smell, even tho I do wear my mask while in the Chapel. 


June 19, 2017 from Sherry: 

SR & Jerry, 

The story of Sisyphus seems to be a metaphor for the dark side beings. 

The metaphor: "...the punishment was reserved for King Sisyphus due to his hubristic belief that his cleverness surpassed that of Zeus himself."  In other words, the dark side beings believe they are more clever, more enlightened, more 'everything', so much so that they believe they are greater than the being (God) that created them.  A false impression to be sure, since they have no real power of their own. 

Jerry wrote regarding Sue's leg issue:

>>Then tell it that it is no longer welcome and it is your desire that it leave.<< 

I would embellish on this a little bit.  I would first say to it, "Thank you for being with me.  You have served me well in the past but I no longer need you to be with me.  You are free to leave if you wish."  The idea is not to be unwelcoming (a negative idea) but rather a releasing with many thanks (a positive idea).  If then it does not leave you can continue asking about what makes it want to remain.  This is very similar to what Jerry says and virtually denotes the same thing with two possible approaches.  Everyone is different so see which approach works best for you. 

Jerry wrote, regarding what is happening:

>>These evil entities have complete access to your memory.  They can pull up negative and fearful things you’ve long forgotten to generate fear and anxiety.<< 

This is very true.  I still experience old long forgotten negative memories popping in out of the blue but I recognize immediately what is happening... they are back to test the waters.  To them I say, "Yep, that's you, not me.  You think these things, not I.  Have fun with this if you can but you are wasting your time for that was then and this is now."  Then I recite a favorite mantra and think about what I want to do today (in the moment).  In the blink of an eye they are gone.  Mind you, I've been working on this for decades so recognition and my reactions are pretty much automatic.  As for imagining a protective energy around me, I do this every morning before getting out of bed and every evening before going to sleep.  It's a habit that I am happy to have. 

Excellent work, Sue.  Keep it up always. 

Best to you,


June 20, 2017 from Jerry: 


I’ve been thinking about your case and the information you send about your legs.  I suspect there may be a message in the leg phenomenon.  Often these entities attempt to engender as much fear and anxiety as they can generate.  Let’s try the opposite.  The next time you feel this invasion of your legs, sit down with a pad and pencil in a quiet place and then try to make the invasive feeling as strong as possible, increase it if you can.  Once you’ve done that and have made it as strong as you’re able, then talk to it.  Ask it what it is trying to tell you and wait silently for an answer.  DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT, just write onto the pad the first thing that comes into your mind, do not process it or think about it, it must be spontaneous.  Ask it as many questions as you can come up with as to what right it has to be there and what it is trying to do and write it all down.  Then tell it that it is no longer welcome and it is your desire that it leave.  Send it love and repeat your love prayer and the 23rd Psalm then imagine a giant pair of scissors made of light cutting the cord between yourself and this thing.  Surround yourself with protective light so it can’t get back in.   Let me know the results. 

The falling asleep in church or while reading spiritual materials is another mark of these negative entities.  I’ve seen it happen over and over.  When I saw one of my patients yawning while being informed of these entities, it was a clear mark that they were at work telling the patient that everything I was saying was boring and crazy crap.  They try to lull you to sleep so you can’t benefit from the positive messages in the Chapel.  Other places are not such a threat so you won’t feel sleepy there.  Know that it is them trying to put you to sleep.  Pray for help from Arch Angel Michael to drive them away and imagine and explosion of light inside you blasting them out  Then imagine yourself encased in a protective coating of light which they can’t break back into.  Let me know how this goes also. 

I am virtually certain that these attacks you are experiencing are not coming from Sisyphus but from an entity that knows how much turmoil the memory of this man and your interactions with him can generate fear and anxiety.  In my clinical practice over the years, one of the things I’ve seen these evil entities do is masquerade as someone just like this thing is doing making you think it is Sisyphus.  These evil entities have complete access to your memory.  They can pull up negative and fearful things you’ve long forgotten to generate fear and anxiety. 

This thing has been feeding off your energy for a long time now.  It’s going to put up a fight and is not going to leave peacefully.  The good news is that you have significantly weakened it and it is losing it’s grip.  It has not stopped you from reading positive spiritual material and attending groups at church although it will probably do everything possible to make you feel uncomfortable or anxious in those meetings.  From what I’ve heard you have not given into it.  Pray for protection before you go into any of Frank’s classes and ask your guardian angels to keep these things away so you can concentrate on the information given you there.  

You are making great progress in taking your life back and from what I’ve heard are no longer debilitated by this thing.  You’ve persisted in fighting back and haven’t given up.  The more you deprive it of negative emotion and fear that it is used to making you generate, the weaker it will become.  You can expect it to throw a few tantrums as it begins to starve to death.  If you continue to persist as you have, it will have to move on and leave you alone.  When it does, you must remain on a positive spiritual path like you are doing or it will return.  Keep going like you are and it will have to leave. 

I’m attaching a few links for you to watch.  I’ve worked with the Swedenborg foundation in the making of a few of these.  They all expose more information about these entities and what you can do to fight back against them.   Keep the weekly reports coming.  We’ll eventually get rid of this thing. 



June 20, 2017 from SR: 

I got that 'he' can't speak because of being in a coma in a nursing home here in Tucson.  When him and I were in relationship, he had stated that he would take me with him when he died.  I didn't agree to this, but didn't speak up at the time.  I get that this is what is holding him back from making his transition.  I affirmed that I don't want what he had stated and that he has to work out his own issues without me. I told him that he is not wanted here and to leave.  I used the spiritual scissors and gathered all stubs from cords and put them into the net made of PWPL where they will be contained in the cube . . . 

I asked for PWPL to surround me. 


June 22, 2017 from SR: 

I got that 'he' likes it.  I get that 'he' is bored. 


June 22, 2017 from Sherry: 

Hi SR, 

It's terrific that you have an energy worker to help guide this entity or entities from the different areas of your body.  What they can do is block your chakras, virtually making them into a clump of energy that blocks the natural flow of your energy field.  Thus the imbalance you are experiencing.  Getting all the chakras into alignment works wonders and sometimes this take a number of sessions with the energy worker.  I'm sure your energy worker already knows this, and now so do you. :-) 

All of this is doable.  Just keep in mind that it is a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual at work here.  So be sure to eat an organic healthy diet, walk at least 30 minutes each day and pray or meditate every day, accepting with gratitude that the healing has already taken place, and it has taken already place in another dimension: in the realm of infinite possibility.  

Our minds and hearts are designed to be far more powerful than we've been taught to understand. 

The Prime Source of life and creation (God, Supreme Creator, etc) has designed the Universe to take our thoughts literally which is why all the biblical teachings tell us to be thankful that our prayers are already answered and the answer is never 'no'.  If we pray or say, for example, I am ready to be healed, then Universe says okay, you are ready today tomorrow and forever.  And the healing doesn't happen because we've given it no outcome.  However, if you pray or say, I am so grateful that I am healed, then Universe says okay, you are healed.  And the healing happens.  Just keep this little (actually huge) tid-bit in mind when speaking, thinking and praying.  

If going into a lot of detail is troublesome for you, then don't do it any more. 

You are doing a terrific job.  Diligence works. 

Best to you,


June 22, 2017 from SR: 

Thank you Sherry for this info.  I understand what you are saying about making it more positive to get 'it' to leave

It seems like 'it' isn't completely outside of me, so that I can keep it from getting back in.  Consequently the having to do frequent clearings.  Last year when this started, I was shielding repeatedly w/o success.  The energy worker who has been helping with this for a year now, says that 'he' got into many different layers (or whatever it is called) of me and we are working on clearing out these. So, I don't know if a clearing permanently removes that part, then another part surfaces, or if the same part returns  What I get in asking (with muscle testing), is that each clearing means 'he' loses that part.  The energy worker is doing strengthening work in areas of me, so that 'it' cannot get back into those areas. It has been a trial and error process, but she has been willing to work on me since it is a learning situation for her.  This may have started around the time that I was using the Body Code to remove the next thing which I was directed to work on (I had been using this and the Emotion Code for about 4 years at that time) and an 'offensive energy (a Saboteur)' was attempted to be cleared.  About the same time, I was doing a guided meditation with much Light coming in and I was falling asleep, when everything went dark and a heaviness came over me and my limbs didn't work right and my body went out of balance (chakras & meridians).  I get that this was the prior relationship I had been in, in the 90's.  I still get that and so does the energy worker.  

I usually don't like to go into much detail about all this because it has affected what happens next, by my bringing it to mind and writing it down.