January 11, 2017

The following is a comment (and my reply) on our video titled “The Lies Evil Spirits Tell Us - Swedenborg and Life”.  Our videos are getting more and more popular because they are actually helping people.  Here is the link to that video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qaqd9Fhsxpg

MF 1 week ago:

“These videos are amazing, this stuff is gold.  I’ve learned a lot about this topic, unfortunately I learned the hard way, I was demonically possessed through drug use.  I believe I was given an insight into the ‘real’ world – the spiritual world – how it works and what’s really going on.  My own theory is that we’re closer to the movie ‘The Matrix’ then people realise (99% of the population is sleepwalking).  These negative entities harvest us for food and they do this through the influence of our thoughts and perceptions.  People don’t understand how fragile and powerful the brain is, and how susceptible our perception of reality is, our thoughts directly influence our perception of the world.  These entities work on deep, deep levels, you have to be completely transparent to yourself.  I still get low energy when I’m attacked and it’s very draining, it feels like I’m being suffocated and constricted.  That’s the thing about ‘the cover up’; these entities don’t want you to know anything about God or anything spiritual.  It’s a mass deception because God and Heaven are contacted from within, it’s all within, so they deceive with many distractions to avoid you looking for the Truth.”

Dr. J-Jerry Marzinsky 6 days ago:

“MF, Thanks for your input.  What you describe is exactly what I witnessed over decades of working with schizophrenics who heard voices.  The voices demanded they not read the Bible, go to church or engage in any positive spiritual activity.  They wanted their victims to read horror stories and watch murder and war movies and other violent stuff.  You are correct, the entities don't want anyone to know anything about God and they want you to believe the negative, destructive thoughts flowing into your head come from you and are you.  It would be nice if you wrote something to readers about the drugs you were using and how you came to be possessed by these things, what others need to look for who are doing the same.  Amphetamine is their favorite drug and I've seen more patients go psychotic on it than any other drug and stay that way.  In the prison, the prisoners called it the "Devils Drug" and for good reason.  Very much appreciate you providing your first hand experience with these things as a warning to others.  They are very real and once they take hold, anti-psychotic drugs merely put them to sleep for awhile, they cure nothing and don't get rid of them.  Hopefully you'll post more of your experiences with these entities as a warning to others heading down the wrong path before it's too late for them to turn back.  We've posted more information about these entities at the sites below to help others realize they are very real and what can be done to help get rid of them: 

http://www.keyholejourney.com/paranormal-articles.html (under the Topic PARANORMAL)