Here is a comment and my reply to our video titled “How to Free Your Mind From Hell - Swedenborg and Life” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B832ykXZeYU 

PP Dec. 2016

I was unaware that I was so affected and oppressed until I started using spirit communication.  It turned out I had a 'well rooted' attachment which more than likely if not led to my addiction, at least fed it.  

During recovery I became born again but to keep myself occupied without substance I started involving myself in paranormal research (as mentioned) however I was probably vulnerable as it was early in the recovery...  

I also think the evils that had attached feared they may lose their hold on me and I basically became the subject of possession.  From an objective paranormal/spiritual view it has taught me some of the mechanics of hell and it's highly organised structure.  Obviously from a personal standpoint it's been tiring, emotional etc.  

Still searching for a way to [be] free.  I but I don't feel the desperate urgency that I did at the beginning.  The indwelt spirit(s) have become less tormenting but that coincided with me being more co-operative and not attending church or tapping into a higher good (Holy spirit) so I will be forcing myself to attend worship tonight as I want the freedom that faith brings but it has now become a real battle within, however I'm glad I'm at least aware of what is going on now. 

The spiritual blinkers are well and truly off and I wonder if perhaps God has allowed it to go on for that reason too, anything can be turned into a positive learning experience even demonic possession!  I have noticed how well these spirits can remain below the radar when it suits as even spiritually sensitive people have said they don't pick up on them but that's when they've (he) retract their energy. 

Any one interested in reading more about how one lives with possession you're welcome to check out my Facebook page, which was originally set up to document my paranormal research, but has now become a record/diary of possession. 
https://www.facebook.com/GroudControl/ @Portsmouth Paranormal.  I also have some videos of my spirit box sessions and films of orbs on this channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnyBNFTHQS5nOQsLU_EPyQ.  

I will add that I decided to take a multi model approach to free myself which included going to the doctor.  I was then referred to a psychiatrist who even though I did not tick the box of hearing external voices or seeing things diagnosed me with schizotypal disorder.  I know for a FACT the problem is spiritual in nature so I wondered how many others had been written off in this way.  Luckily due to my research I had subjective (possibly objective) proof and can pin point the day the possession took place as it has a physical element to it but others aren't so able to and have probably been written off as mentally ill which will do more harm than good.

Dr. J-Jerry Marzinsky Jan. 13, 2017

Portsmouth, thank you for providing information and warning to others.  I’ve heard many stories similar to yours.  It appears you aren’t aware that you have at least two guardian angels who have been assigned to help you.  Unlike the negative entities who can barge into your mind inserting negative thoughts they want you to believe are your own, your guardians speak almost exclusively to you through feeling and intuition which you need to quiet your mind to hear.  

Most important for you to know is that they cannot help or interfere unless you specifically ask them for help.  Many of my schizophrenic patients reported that upon going to church, their voices always reacted in one of two ways.  They would either completely shut up or in most cases, they got much louder and would not permit the individual to hear or concentrate on the sermon.  Sometimes they got so loud the person had to run out of the church.  

A number of my patients told me that their voices reacted like worms being thrown onto a frying pan at the repetition of the 23rd Psalm and they hated the song, Amazing Grace.  Advising patients to do things their voices didn’t like has gotten me into a lot of trouble over the years.  I believe you telling of your experience with these things will be of great help to others.  I also believe you will find a number of new weapons you can deploy to fight these negative entities on the following sites we’ve set up to arm those struggling against these parasitic invaders. 

Here are the addresses:
http://www.keyholejourney.com/paranormal-articles.html (Return to Paranormal Page) 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNoxH3e_xoufUo4MTVJ2XQ (my youtube channel) 


Here is a comment from the video titled “How to Deal With Evil Spirits - Swedenborg and Life”

PP Dec. 2016

I was diagnosed with Schizo typal disorder after just three sessions with a psychiatrist but my problem is spiritual, I became the subject of possession.  I can even pinpoint the time because I felt it enter me and vibrate and it hasn't stopped since. 

I wish more doctors would try a multi model approach like the psyche Dr... 

I have seen a pattern with my spirits.  They wear me down by waking me up so I'm physically tired, they wait until I have important appointments that I worried about or anything negative in succession and then say something quite nasty that they know will hurt me. 

I was in recovery but became so pressured that I relapsed and I am trying to remain straight but if it was hard before it's worse now so when I have picked up a drug or drink they then come in full force, I feel the coldness start around my head and upper back, they are even hovering behind me as I write this (but I’m straight and sober, they are just nosy for anything they can use) and I start ‘manifesting’. 

Sorry not trying to bring the vibe down just to affirm that evil spirits do indeed influence us and they do operate in the fashion explained.  It's affirming to see what I experience does match the experiences and observations here. 

Thank the Lord for spiritually enlightened people!  By the way I'd be happy to talk to any doctor, but if you talked to 'them' the conversation could get XXX rated!

Dr J-Jerry Marzinsky January 18, 2017

PP, your experiences are typical of those plagued by these parasitic entities.  You have one big advantage.  You know that the negative thoughts coming into your head about yourself do not belong to you and are coming from elsewhere. 

One of the most devastating things these entities try to pull off is to try hard to get you to believe that the negative thoughts being injected by them into your mind belong to you and you have no control over them. 

They also try to make you think that when you drink or use, that the decision to do so was exclusively yours.  All of this makes you feel like you are crazy and out of control.  Since psychiatry doesn't understand any of this, they will tell you that you are and drug you which make it all worse.  It is not just you using the alcohol and drugs. 

Those are not your thoughts telling you to do so.  It is not YOUR intent to mess up your life and get into trouble using alcohol and drugs.  You must then ask yourself if it is not your intent to use and drink, then whose is it?  

Alcohol and drugs are just chemicals, they have no thought or intent.  These things want you to use drugs, but not just any drug, they want you to used drugs that make you feel good at first but have nasty withdrawal effects that make you feel bad for a much longer period of time.  When you feel bad, you think badly. 

When you think badly, your life becomes bad as thoughts create your reality.  I found it interesting that in clinical practice the "voices" told my patients to stop taking their anti-psychotic meds and use meth, alcohol, heroin and spice instead.  They would even tell meth addicts where and when to be at a certain spot where a drug dealer would show up with more meth when they ran out!  I didn't hear this story just once but many times. 

I did find it interesting that the voices didn't want patients to use marijuana.  They want drugs that have bad side effects and that produce negative emotional energy upon withdrawal.  And yes, these entities do to people the same things that armies do to prisoners of war.  They harass constantly, don't let people sleep, isolate them, then when they have generated enough emotional energy they drain it off leaving their victim depressed, tired, and weak. 

They must turn your emotional energy negative in order to use it for themselves.  They can't stand positive emotion and will do everything they can to suppress it.  I've had several of my patients tell me that their voices react to the repetition of the 23rd Psalm like worms being thrown onto a hot frying pan.  I think I mentioned the 23rd Psalm in response to another video.  

The very last thing these parasitic entities want any of us to know is that they are living off of the emotional energy we generate.  It is their food and they cannot generate it themselves and they can't consume it unless it is negative. 

You can see how much influence these thing have over the world by just turning on the news on TV.  Nothing positive comes over the news.  They want to generate fear in the population, start wars and make you think the world is a very dangerous place and you are constantly in danger.  We would all be much better off if we tuned into positive channels like “Offthelefteye” on YouTube and “Gaia TV”, the Netflix of the spiritual world which provides information about what's going on behind the scenes you'll never find on mainstream media.  

There's a lot more information we've posted on line to help folks struggling with these negative entities.  Below is a listing.  There is a lot of information as to what you can do to fight back posted on our Facebook page listed below also.  Sherry has posted her "That's a lie program" there which will go a long way in helping you weaken and drive off these entities which plague you.  The site will also provide you with other tools you can use to fight back against these things and have been proven effective.  Thanks for sharing you experiences.  Since this stuff is not easy to talk about, a lot of people suffer silently and think they are alone and isolated.  This is far from the truth. 

https://keyholejourney.wordpress.com/ (That’s a Lie Program)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNoxH3e_xoufUo4MTVJ2XQ (my youtube channel)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Demonsareforreal/ (my Facebook page)
http://www.keyholejourney.com/paranormal-articles.html (return to Paranormal Page where you will find all my videos and links to my articles)​