From: LT
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 8:16 AM
To: Jerry Marzinsky

Subject: Case with young schizophrenic seeing demons 

Hi Jerry, 

I attended the case investigation on Saturday night that concerned the young schizophrenic girl that I previously emailed you about. 

I have not yet reviewed my audio (I won’t have time to devote to that until next weekend) but there was something every interesting that happened that I thought that I would share with you. 

To re-cap: “H” is a low IQ 18 year old that was adopted at 4 months of age who has recently been (semi-diagnosed) as schizophrenic.  I say (semi) because so far the doctors that she has seen have not all been in agreement).  She is a very, very sweet, mild mannered young lady with the mind-set of maybe 8 - 10 years of age.  Her mother said that she has always had imaginary friends but due to her low IQ has not had much luck with establishing meaningful friendships with children her own age....so therefore her adoptive mother (Mom) thought that the imaginary friends were a coping skill-set for loneliness.  It should also be noted that the biological mother was a drug user and also schizophrenic.

As far as "things" that she reports seeing: Mom has noted that “H” will often watch a movie or TV show and animals or creatures from the show, then become a part of her world.  (Example: Land of the Lost) might produce dinosaur creatures and Jungle book may result in jungle animals being described as seen in her closet. 

The most recent and consistent report is of a lizard type creature, living in her closet that comes out into her room.  A muskrat type creature, dead babies crawling on the floor along with a woman and a man. 

So here is something VERY interesting that happened.  I arrived about 45 minutes before our Medium arrived.  I went to “H’s” room with her Mom and “H” described these things.  She showed me the closet and the area of the room where this thing has a tendency to "hang out”.  She pointed to the area of the closet (a deep dormer style closet) and showed me where she could see it. 

When the Medium arrived, she went up to the room with me, “H” and her mother.  The Medium pretty much reported seeing the same things in that room (without any knowledge of my conversation with “H”).  She pointed to the same places in the closet. 

So this was actually a very good start to the evening.  It was kind of interesting to see the Medium match up with “H’s” account.  We had some good physical evidence (my shirt was tugged/pulled from the back) and our meters were indicating electromagnetic changes.  Flashlights were responding to our questions.  We do have some video footage capturing something human like in the same area of the room that “H”h reports the activity.  At this point I have no doubt that something paranormal is in that home. 

I asked the Medium her initial feeling of what is going on.  She feels that whatever is there is a dead human presenting itself to “H” in ways that it knows will scare her.  So therefore it’s not a lizard...but an entity that can present itself in a variety of ways to suit its need or intentions.  She feels “H” is very gifted yet due to her mental limitations cannot understand and rationalize it and this entity is aware of how to manipulate “H’s” mental limitations. 

I can’t yet fully report my own thoughts on this and will be able to make a better conclusion after viewing the audio and video.  But so far, with what we have seen so far, I'm convinced there is a paranormal happening in the home. 

I will keep you posted on further conclusions after the rest of the audio and video has been evaluated.  


On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 1:33 PM, Jerry Marzinsky wrote: 


Good to hear from you again. 

Over time, I’ve noticed that these entities find mentally retarded and people with organic brain damage easy targets as they don’t have the rational ability to seek help and are more easily influenced. 

From my experience, imaginary friends aren’t always negative.  I was however always suspicious as these negative entities appear to have complete access to the memory of their victims and can pull up memories of what anyone in their lives said to them, even stuff they had long forgotten.  They often pose as positive entities or friends, sometimes telling their victims things that the person themselves could not have known or predicting some future event that eventually happens.  Whether or not they themselves are behind making such predictions come true through influencing others I’m not sure.  However, I would always ask the patient if the entity posing as a friend or some religious figure had ever told them anything negative about themselves or given them bad advice.  Even if it happened just once, I’d advise them to keep clear. 

The fact that the biological mother is also schizophrenic increases the risk of this little one also.  The medical authorities believe there is a genetic predisposition.  I have serious doubts about this theory as I’ve seen and actually have a couple of very close friends whose mothers were schizophrenic and they have evolved into some of the most positive spiritual people I know.  I suspect what is really happening is that these negative entities by way of the schizophrenic parent, create the negative emotional conditions and environment in the child they find habitable.  They then begin to do things that will cause their victim to produce the negative emotional energy on which they feed.  They seem to be able in many cases to change form to do this.  They drive their victims to crave horror and monster movies, murder movies, demon and these walking dead kinds of shows.  The mother must prevent her from watching or reading any such negative stuff despite what might prove a magnetic attraction to it. 

These negative entities do like to hang out in dark places and in the dark corners of rooms.  They belong to a different reality which to some degree YOU can control.  Thoughts are things and in their reality they are forces to be reckoned with. 

Since both the little girl and your medium can point out to you where these things are, the next time this happens, you ask them to show you where they are and to describe what they look like.  Ask if they are talking or making any kind of noise. 

What I’ve consistently found is that the voices in the patients I dealt with would get much louder when they realized I was a threat and would block out the information I was attempting to give the patient to allow him or her to fight back against these entities.  If they couldn’t be shut up, the patient couldn’t hear or concentrate on anything I had to say.  They would even go so far as to cause pain or headaches in the patient.  I had one prisoner who actually got red as a beet and broke out into a sweat. 

My first attempt at using the method I’m about to tell you about was to prevent such physical attacks.  I would ask the patient where the entity was.  I would then, as clearly as possible, imagine the entity surrounded with a solid cube of white light and trapped within three foot thick walls where they could no longer harm the patient. 

Patients reported the physical discomforts stopped, however, the voices or the entity could still speak through these walls.  I found that if I clearly imagined the entity’s mouth being duct taped with a roll of strong tape, the thing would shut up!  In some cases the patient reported he could hear it groaning but couldn’t make out what it was saying. 

It was also possible to hurl this cube out of the room and shut the thing up completely.  However, like it says in the Bible, if the house remains empty and is not filled with some positive spiritual forces, the entity or one like it will eventually return with many others.  I’ve found this to be true many times.  Try the above with these entities the little girl is reporting and ask her to give you feedback as to what is happening. 

It is very positive news that the little girl is very sweet and mild mannered.  It means they don’t have significant control over her mind yet.  If these negative entities are left unchecked, this will change for the worse.  Since she is gifted in this way, I’d advise that you teach her to communicate with her guardian angels of which she has at least two and to teach her that she can ask them for help in driving away these other negative entities. 

She MUST however ask for their help as they are forbidden to interfere with a person’s free will and will not help unless they are on the verge of death.  Often they don’t communicate in words as do the negative entities, but in feeling and intuition, however, she might be able to ask them to show themselves to her and since she is gifted in this way, they might do it. 

Your medium is right on target in saying that “H” is gifted but due to her mental disabilities doesn’t comprehend the dangers posed by these entities.  I’m sure after they frighten her she suffers a loss of energy as she is being drained.  These entities care nothing for this little one and only want to feed off of her.  Unless they can be disposed of they will continue to do things to frighten her.  They will also consider you a mortal enemy and a threat to their food supply. 

I’ve also seen that these negative entities hate small children.  The mother should be very careful about letting this little one spend any significant time around her schizophrenic mother. 

I assume you are aware of all the different things you can do to makes things uncomfortable for these entities. 

Let me know how the visualization technique above works for you. 


From: LT
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 11:09 AM
To:  Jerry Marzinsky

Subject: Re: Case with young schizophrenic seeing demons 

Thank you Jerry, 

Do you mind if I share this email with the medium?  She has been having some "kickback" from this entity since we have returned home from the investigation...you are right they are considering us their mortal enemy.  I know that for me, myself, I have been dealing with terrifying nightmares. 


From: Jerry Marzinsky

To: LT
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 3:29 PM

Subject: RE: Case with young schizophrenic seeing demons


Feel free to share.  Repetitive nightmares are of their doing.  I assume you are aware of how to protect yourselves.  I never went into the ER to deal with these things without praying and asking for protection, otherwise you’re a sitting duck. 


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNoxH3e_xoufUo4MTVJ2XQ (my youtube channel)
http://www.keyholejourney.com/paranormal-articles.html (return to Paranormal Page where you will find all my videos and links to my articles)​