This letter was addressed to
Robert Stanley of Unicus Magazine who has interviewed Jerry Marzinsky and who sent this letter to Jerry.  We post this letter here, with the author’s permission.  

Dear Robert Stanley, 

First of all a big thank you for so much you do!!!!  And a big compliment on your energy and what kind a person you are...  True human emotion, heart energy and so much more.  I am impressed, because you feel very pure...  Only today I could find you and your information.  As you know, things are being manipulated in this world and our 'friends' kept your information away. 

Further more, I don't know where to begin.  So I will tell you a small part. 

I was born with much more awareness than most and certain capabilities (healing, telepathy, lucid dreaming and more). 

From a very young age I was targeted by archons.  I don't know why.  But because I was a very happy person (they gave me Sunray as a nickname) it didn't seem to affect me at first. 

The first time I really saw a possessed person I was six years old.  We were in Amsterdam (were I was born) walking down a big street.  On the other side of the street there was a man walking the same direction.  My eyes fell on him (I saw his back) cause I saw a shadow attached to him.  As soon as I realized I saw a shadow, the person froze and started to turn around to look at me.  Pure evil I felt.  I was happy the street was between us.  He kept standing there staring at me. 

Things got ugly from there.  Each year more and more ugly.  I didn't know then that I was abused by our neighbor at the age of 3-4 (I blocked it) but that things were wrong and getting more and more wrong was clear to me. 

The attacks started when I was 11.  They threw me against the wall; I was forced to lie on the cold floor for hours not being able to move and more.  A friend of mine died of cancer and my dog was killed by my parents and they lied to me about it.  The archons began to have more and more grip.  My family members turned against me more and more, my whole family...  and I became possessed.  Not in my mind but with my body.  I heard 12 voices but I knew I wasn't crazy. 

Anyway, a lot happened for years. 

I never was able to stop them completely, but I managed.  I also got a lot of help from a guide, his name is Sarander.  I saw him from the age of around six.  He saved my life many times and helped me during the dark years.  He kept me going by repeating sometimes constantly, "We love you, you are important, you matter, know you're being loved"... 

Anyway.  When I was about 18 years old I was helped by a mysterious man.  Within a short time he removed the possession.  Mind blowing, that experience. 

When I was 21 I visited an old friend with my sisters.  He and his wife had two lovely children, the oldest one called "Tarit", then 3-4 years old.  I tried to contact her, but her mother said she was shy and would never come to strangers.  I accepted. 

But when we got a house tour (I'm Dutch sorry, I mean they showed us their house) and I came by the stairs (I was the last one to follow the house tour) Tarit was waiting there for me and asking me with her eyes.  I said "you wanna come too?" and she put out her arms asking me to pick her up.  I checked if she wanted me to pick her up and she nodded.  So I did. 

By the time we came near her room I felt her becoming stressed.  Her body hardened (she had her legs around my waist).  When I stepped over the doorstep into her room, she put her face in my neck and held me very tight and I saw someone hanging in her room and 3 shadows in her room. 

To be short, I told her mother to get someone to clean the house to help her daughter.  She asked me and when I was starting to reply "I don't know how to…" a download came into my head in the form of a ritual.  A week later I came back and worked for 12 hours on the house.  The first night Tarit did still sleep with her parents, but after that she slept happily in her own bed.  (No more screaming, no night mares etc). 

That was the beginning of my work to help people with
archons.  Though, I don't like that name, they are not my leader nor master at all.  

A few years back I helped young children that were possessed.  Different cases.  The girls were between 3 and 6.  After helping them, I always take time to leave clear instructions for parents and to "just be there".  The experience is very traumatic of course for all family members.  Also the sudden change, from being possessed (peel, dark eyes, cursing etc to tired but reddish skin – blood starts to run normally again etc – is traumatic).  One other reason is to clear the air with the person that was being possessed.  I know they "hate" me intensely when I come in, it’s confusing for them.  These young children need it for me to be there so they can express it or other things afterwards. 

These very young children told me something remarkable.  They said that "they" (the Archons) are very afraid of me.  They told me the conversation they heard. 

Now I don't know what to do with it.  Our world in under their control mostly; they fear me, but at the other hand...they broke me.  I will never give up, really.  But I feel I have to do something with what I can, and at the same time...  I have never been so broken as I am now.  Just to be honest.  The last years have been killing me.  I managed to save my two children and we are fine now.  We manage.  But I am broken almost. 

I don't let people really into my life anymore, cause Archons always get a grip.  Doesn't matter how sweet the person is at first or how spiritual...  Unimaginable events have taken place for years and I choose the safety of my children first above all. 

So, I feel I need to do something.  This mail to you is a wild shot as we say in Dutch.  I don't work anymore in that field, but I have a lot of experience.  Maybe you can benefit from it, from my experience?  Not every case was similar.  You need to know that I can feel the person I am working with and get info on what needs to be done.  I can register their different bodies and how well they are or not.  Usually I connect so much that I feel it personally (in my own body) so the person doesn't have to say anything. 

I know Archons don't face me anymore.  There was a time when I was young when they tried to strangle me and hit me is the solar plexus.  But they cant get near me anymore.  Still, the trouble they caused in other ways...very creative and effective..  I will get better, but I have never been like this...  Very little light I bare and almost broken...  But I will heal...  I always do...  And I know who I am, so I will be ok. 

And I stopped, because it was useless...  Every person that is saved is important, but sometimes for three weeks I had a very, very hard time.  My children would have a lot of impact from archons; systems would attack me and more...  I tried to built a network, but I haven't been able to find one person here (Netherlands and abroad) who really can do it.  In order to really save a person, you have to heal all bodies, restore their vibration and give them personal advise how to stay in that vibration.  Also you have to heal all members in the same house.  Often a mom or dad contains bad vibes too and needs healing.  Or an animal or so.  In cases I have done there always was a tricker and you need to find that tricker and dismantle it.  Archons can’t invade conscious, strong people.  After being possessed there is always fear and you can’t leave until it’s gone and healed and explained with enough knowledge. 

Anyway, it is not my best mail but I don't know how to do it differently. 

If there is anything I can share that might interest you, feel free to ask. 

With regards, MS