February 16, 2017 12:01 AM

Dear Dr. Marzinsky, 

re: intrustive daydreams 

Hi Dr. Marzinsky I found you through the
Swedenborgian group on facebook as you were featured in once of their video clips.  I was very intrigued by your insights.  I then looked you up on youtube to see if you had any more videos.  I was fascinated to watch your video on youtube about your long history in the mental health profession and how the data and treatment methods were sorely lacking.  I've noticed this myself and I'm not in the medical field at all.  I've always been interested in schozophrenia and would watch any documentary about it.  

A subject I was also interested in people who talk to 'themselves' but I suppose that comes under the umbrella of schizophrenia but I always thought that was the saddest illness because they may be lonely but talking out loud to imaginary people would make people avoid you and so even more lonely.  I often wondered how this could be overcome but I think that your method of dealing with voices would apply there quite nicely. 

The reason I'm writing you is I have a problem that I would categorize as disassociation, in that I'm having compulsive daydreams and have for some many years but it seems to have slowly gotten worse.  When I say daydreams what I really mean are projections of possible events.  For example if I was going to go for a job interview I would imagine or daydream about what possible question might arise and what I might say, and I would hope that it would increase my chances of a positive outcome.  Well extrapolate that to projecting about every possible (and impossible) situation. 

Recently I started a journal and made notes about the daydreams and quite often they fall into a few main categories.  For example one category is going to the medical doctor and explaining things and not being listened to.  Another is someone breaking in the house, how possible scenarios would play out. 

I consider the daydreams disassociation because I'm not able to concentrate on what I'm doing and quite often drop things or miss what people say because I'm in this other 'world'. 

Lately the daydreams are every few minutes and I'm trying to free myself of them.  It's hard to do the opposite (one of your points in battling negative thoughts) of the daydream because it's a scenario so not sure how I could do the opposite of it. 

I realize you are very busy and I just hope that you would have the time to read this a maybe jot down a quick reply. 

Thanks for reading. 


February 16, 2017 


Schizophrenics who appear to be talking to themselves are actually carrying on a conversation with the “voices” which plague them.  These voices are not hallucinations but actual negative entities using them to generate negative emotional energy which is why you often hear them arguing with them.  The voices are often telling them negative things about themselves or others or to do things that would get them in trouble.

The encroaching daydreams you mentioned are quite disconcerting due to their subject and tone.  Both themes generate anxiety and fear.  They keep you focused in the negative which these negative entities feed off of.  They are unwelcome thoughts being inserted into your mind that have begun interfering with your functioning.  These are exactly the kind of thoughts these negative entities insert into all of our minds to different degrees to generate the negative emotional energy on which they feed.  If you take notice, after a series of these thoughts your energy level is down.  Science doesn’t ask where thoughts come from.  Swedenborg says that none of your thoughts actually come from you, they come from either positive or negative spiritual sources.  You are like a radio and tune into the different frequencies.  You might want to consider changing the channel but you will have to hold the tuner on different channel for awhile to keep it from sliding back to the groove it has made for itself.

First of all, note that you are not these thoughts and images.  When you see one appear, step back in your mind and just watch it flow through.  Do not entertain it or start thinking about it, just step back and watch it like  cloud flowing through your mind.  If you jump on it and start thinking about it, it will take you for a negative wild ride.  Just watch it flow through, do not engage.  When you step back like this, you will see that you are not that anxiety provoking thought or image, you are the watcher, that is the real you.  Those thoughts are not yours, they are being sent into your mind by an entity different from yourself to get you all anxious and upset, a mental state that generates the negative emotion energy on which they feed.  They do not belong to you. 

However, if you don’t replace them with more positive thoughts, they will return to take over the empty house.  The entities who are inserting these negative thoughts cannot stand positive spiritual thought.  One thing that has worked for many of the patients I’ve worked with is to put a rubber band around your wrist and each time the entity inserts one of those negative daydreams, snap the rubber band on your wrist.  Patients have told me that the snap of a rubber band on the wrist shocks these entities.  It was reported to hurt them much more than the patient and the shock will shut them up for a brief period of time, enough time for you to repeat the 23rd Psalm which you should memorize.  They also hate the song Amazing Grace and the Lord’s Prayer.  The repetition of any of these is like burning them with a hot stick.  Repeat the 
23rd Psalm  as many times as you need to.  They will hate each repetition and try to get you to stop.  They will do everything in their power to try to get you to believe that those negative thoughts and images they are inserting into your mind not only belong to you, but are you.  This is a lie

Keep in mind that their end goal is to get you to generate an anxious, fearful, and paranoid state.  They will feed into your mind anything that will generate negative emotional energy which they feed off of and cannot generate for themselves.  Turning toward filling your mind with positive spiritual concepts and ideas would be toxic to them. 

You might not be aware of it, but you also have at least two guardian angels watching out over you who cannot help unless you ask.  They cannot barge into your mind or interfere with your free will.  After you snap the rubber band, repeat the 23rd Psalm, I would most certainly ask your guardians to surround you in a golden blanket that these entities can’t transmit through.  Your guardians are there to help you and are disappointed you’ve not asked them for help. 

From there on out, tune out all negative input.  Don’t watch any negative TV shows or the fear filled news.  Stay away from negative people and movies.  Start watching 
Curtis’s offthelefteye video  series.   Information on these mind parasites and how to fight back against them are all posted on this website (links below).  Don’t think you are alone in this battle.  These entities attack all of us to different degrees.  They are the most notable with schizophrenics who actually hear them loudly in their heads.  They know these things are not hallucinations as their psychiatrists tell them BUT psychiatrists DON’T LISTEN, just like in your daydream!  Psychiatry is doing all of us a great disservice insisting that these voices and intrusive thoughts are hallucinations. 

Many other people out there suffering from the same intrusive thoughts you are having can benefit from your letter.  

Below are links to our other sites I think would be of great help to you in your struggle. 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringSanity/
My youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNoxH3e_xoufUo4MTVJ2XQ
Return to Topics page http://www.keyholejourney.com/topics.html
Return to Paranormal articles page http://www.keyholejourney.com/paranormal-articles.html
Return to Paranormal videos page http://www.keyholejourney.com/paranormal-videos.html 


February 16, 2017

Jerry, thanks so very much for your reply.  Now that you mention it after one of these 'daydreams' probably a break-in one I notice my whole body was very tensed as if it was really happening. 

Also I do watch a lot of violent shows, like dateline and 48 hours and that type of thing so that will stop now.  If you don't mind I will keep you updating as to my progress. 

I am a Swedenborgian and have been for over 20 years so it was the first place I turned to when I realized the problem was getting worse, actually I notice I was making overt face expression and mannerisms and I realized this is getting worse and I wouldn't want to get to the point where I'm hearing voices.  The first book I read on Swedenborg which got me into the religion was Wilson Van Dusen's  
The Presence of Other Worlds  and was thrilled to hear you mention the book but I couldn't remember anything helpful from it, but I own the book and will consider re-reading it. 

Thanks again I'll keep you updated hope that's ok.  What a miracle you answered me back. 


February 17, 2017


Glad to help.  Yes, we would be pleased to hear of your progress and what is working for you in the material we’ve posted and what isn’t so others can benefit from your experience. 

Keep completely clear of negative stuff, the news, horror and war shows, dateline and any other such shows.  Stay clear of negative people and make a strong effort to monitor the negative thoughts coming into your head and apply Sherry’s “
That’s A Lie Program”.  Listen to calm, soothing music you enjoy.  These entities hate it when you are happy or content, they want your mind all stirred up and conflicted.  Begin to practice meditation, they hate that also as it calms your mind, even if you practice it for just 20 minutes a day.  Concentrate on the things that make you happy and that you are grateful for, they hate that also. 

Sherry and I have also been working to update one of Van Dusen’s most important chapters in his book, “The Presence of Other Worlds” and will be posting it to our Facebook site and Sherry’s web page shortly.  The more positive things you can fill your mind with, the weaker these mental intrusions will become as positive spiritual stuff is toxic to them.  Expect a fight.  They are not going to want you doing any of this.  Expect to be  
distracted into doing other things  or starting to feel bored when you start into watching more positively oriented spiritual material. 

Also we’ve just released a new Youtube video on the offthelefteye series (also posted on our Paranormal videos page) on drugs and how these parasitic entities utilize them to drain people.   

Please keep us posted on your progress.  Expect resistance.  These negative entities will be threatened by your new practices and will want you to return to your old ways.  They will tell you  
every lie in the book  to try to get you to stop implementing the information you’ve received which will weaken them. 



On Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:48 AM ST wrote:

Hi Jerry; hope you and Sherry are well.  I've been continuing with your suggestions and while I'm still experiencing the illusions I'm learning and growing.  I've been taking notes along the way so wanted to share with you some of my 'findings' on my personal journey: 

I've found art therapy a good tool in helping be more positive, because that was one area that was really lacking, and needs attention.  I started making crosses, fun ones covered in fabric and sparkles.  Anyways it's something open to interpretation and could be done with inexpensive craft stuff from the dollar store.  Once hung it's a runic, or ward I believe.  Another project is painting or drawing cutting and pasting pictures of my guardian angels.  List goes on but it's a positive, visual and material affirmation of one’s beliefs, always in one’s sight. 

Re-read and finished the “Presence of Other Worlds”.  Van Dusen says there are higher order voices that told him the lower order spirits are showing you what's wrong with you because that is the society in hell you are associating with.  So on one hand it's a positive tool for self analysis and has opened my eyes to many things about myself I was not fully aware of. 

Heard and interesting quote by  
Curtis Childs  that related to my situation pretty well so copies down the quote:  

"There are imaginary visions as well, visions that are the illusions of a mind that has lost its bearings." 
Divine Providence 134a

At first I thought it meant ball bearings and thought hmm then I realized he means like bearings on a map.  This had been really helpful to me as I wasn't fully 'oriented' to the Lord and everything good. 

So thanks very much for your helpful advice it's made a real difference in my life, and you offered the help freely which was really, really kind of you guys.  Still working away at it, probably send another update after summer. 


On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 7:35 AM, Jerry Marzinsky wrote:

Very glad to hear things are getting better for you.  I’m sure the negative entities don’t like your making crosses. 

I’m not so sure Van Dusen was correct in that the negative entities show you what is wrong with you as they pick on your weaknesses and inflame your negative feelings.  For the most part, they are what’s wrong with us.  Hope you are watching  
Curtis’ Offthelefteye  Swedenborg series on Youtube.  

I think both Sherry and I would be interested in hearing how her  
“That’s a Lie”  program worked for you.  I assume she has told you about it.  If not, you can find it as well as other information that will help you on her website  at this address.  Please let us know how Sherry’s program works for you as well as the other information posted for our  video  and  written programs.  Spreading the word and giving us feedback as to which of this information has proved most useful to you would greatly help us to help others.


On Friday, March 17, 2017 8:57 AM ST wrote:

Thanks Jerry; that the voices come from outside you is a very important distinction.  Yes I've been watching the videos.  I really like the way they explain things so simply. 

To answer your question, the  
“That's a Lie”  program is very effective so far.  Memorizing and saying the  23rd Psalm  really helps also.  I can feel the pressure releasing as I say it.  I'm still having the day dreams but much less often, and wanted to ask how long it took Sherry until she was rid of the voices?

I was able to remember an incident when I was 20 when I was broken in on.  That's when the 911 and break in daydreams started.  Trying to fix it in hindsight I guess.  Anyways that was like 30 years ago!  So that's how long it's been going on!  Like Sherry says these are grooves made from years of thinking.  I've only been doing this for a month so I may need more time?  But I'm doing all that was suggested and life is a lot better but would like a completely free mind, so am continuing. 

In summary I would say the daydreams are down about 70 percent, and the ones I do have, many of them are shorter than they would have been.  I'm catching them earlier.  


On Saturday, March 18, 2017 8:46 AM Jerry Marzinsky wrote: 

That’s wonderful news.  Yes, understanding that those negative thoughts don’t come from you is critical and that the entities inserting them into your mind are parasites sucking off your life energy.  It’s the last thing they want you to know.  They have to turn your emotional state negative before they can rob you of your energy.  Don’t try to block out the negative thoughts, just don’t latch onto them.  Realize that the negative stuff they are telling you about yourself are lies and let them blow through without investing any further energy or attention. 

There’s one tactic of fighting back against these things I’ve only recently learned of, but since I’m now retired and no longer have access to people who hear voices, I cannot check out how effective this would be.  If you would, I’d like you to try it out and let me know how it works for you.  

In addition to hitting them with the  
That’s a Lie program  and the  23rd Psalm, what I’d like you to do is imagine as clearly as you can that you have a box of light hand-grenades.  After you hit them with the previous stuff, clearly imagine grabbing one of those grenades, pulling the pin and throwing it at the voices.  Then as clearly as you can, imagine it exploding with a very bright white light. 

The tactics I’ve discovered that work in fighting these things is to do to them what they complain about and demand you not do.  They hate and fear the light.  They’ve been told that the light is dangerous and will kill or burn them.  Keep reaching into that box of light hand-grenades, pulling the pin and keep throwing them until the voices and negative thoughts disappear.  

What will be critical is that you imagine throwing the grenades and them exploding on the voices as clearly and with as much emotion as if you were throwing physical hand-grenades.  I’d be very interested in hearing how this works for you and I’m sure Sherry would also. 

Another thing you could do to help us out with our research is to answer the following three questions on a 1 to 10 scale: 

1.  On a scale of 1-10 - How much energy do you have before the voices come or start up again? 

2.  On a scale of 1-10 - How much energy do you feel you have while the voices are raging or attacking you? 

3.  On a scale of 1-10 - How much energy do you feel you have after the voices have attacked and left? 

We would be very interested in your response to the questions above and you’d be helping us help a lot of other people who are suffering attacks from these things. 

I’m going to send Sherry a copy of our conversation so she can respond to how long it took her in her battle with the voices before she managed to weaken and drive them off.  However, I’m sure it took her quite awhile longer than you’ve been fighting them.  It’s a constant battle but you are not helpless.  If you keep denying them the negative emotion they are trying to trigger in you and turn onto a positive spiritual path they will eventually either have to leave of die of starvation.  I had one patient who kept fighting against them for quite awhile doing what you are doing.  One day they said to him, “You’re no fun anymore, we’re leaving.”  And they were gone.  Once they leave however, it is critical that you replace them with positive spiritual growth and activities.  Keep filling your mind with positive spiritual stuff like  
Curtis’ offthelefteye series.

We’ll very much be looking forward to the answers to the questions above and want to thank you ahead of time for your help. 


On Saturday, March 18, 2017 12:08 PM Sherry wrote: 

Hi ST, 

Sherry here.... regarding how long it took me to finally eliminate the voices from my life.... 

First of all, it took me over ten (10) years of intense research to discover what was happening to me as I had no one to speak with that reliably had a clue.  After I discovered that the voices were separate from me and not really coming from my own mind, and once I developed  
"The That's a Lie Program"  (which was a trial and error thing for a few years), I would say it took me a couple of years of dedicated stubborn effort to 'quickly' catch, on a regular basis, when I was being attacked. 

In other words, because I worked diligently on this as a first priority, recognizing the Lies became an automatic thing for my own mind to do.  I had 'retrained' or rewired the connections in my brain so that the old connections COULD NOT fire any longer unless I purposely put forth some effort, which, knowing the consequences, I refused to do. 

It's been at least twenty (20) years of freedom for me and yet, once in a while, I'll sense an intrusion attempt.  Weird how this happens now and then (these guys do not give up and they will return to test the waters).  Knowing my own mind, meaning knowing how I 'usually' think and feel, lets me recognize an intrusion attempt with ease.  

What I've learned over the years that Jerry has not exactly mentioned has to do with physics in that our world is made of energy, and that includes us as well as the attacking entities.  It's all energy: the planet, the flowers, the thoughts and emotions, the rocks, all the animals, trees - Everything is energy. 

To that I have learned that both positive and negative energies do exist.  Today these energies are measurable with special equipment.  

Once you recognize the Lies automatically, without effort, then it's time to also recognize what I just wrote about everything being energy (of course, you can research this for yourself to verify).  In fact there are some good articles on my 
keyholejourney website  about this - review the  Topics page  at (and see topics like Science and Physics for example) that you might find helpful for a much deeper understanding of what's going on from a science perspective.

Mind you that having a science perspective in no way negates a spiritual or religious perspective about these entities.  However one looks at this, they are real.  The great thing is that science is getting closer to figuring out what sages of old have been saying for eons. 

Bottom line that I am getting at - that Jerry has not expressly mentioned - is our ability to send the intruding entities the Energy of Love.  Now this is equivalent to 'cosmic love' energy, not to be confused with the emotions associated with romantic or family/friendship love or love of Mother Earth or even love of God.  

In fact, cosmic love has no emotion associated to it at all.  It's hard to explain because most people are programmed to think of 'love energy' as approving of something or approving the actions of others, or even loving what is being done by something or someone.  Cosmic love is non-emotional.  It just IS and there is nothing biased about it.  HOWEVER the attacking entities believe they will die from cosmic love energy.  Of course, that is also a lie but they don't know it. 

When you fully understand this, then and only then all that is needed is the phrase: "I send you love."  Feel them disappear; feel like yourself again; feel the freedom of being in control of your own thoughts and emotions.  There is nothing like it. 

It helps to truly understand that each of IS love.  We are made OF love.  We ARE love and if we allow it, we exude or radiate with love energy.  We are not made of fear, uncertainty, anxiety, anger, etc., all of which exudes negative energy - the food of life for the intruding entities.  When you absolutely know about all of this, sending them cosmic love (and meaning it with confidence) cleanses your entire field of energy where these guys cannot exist. 

I hope all of the above addresses your question to Jerry about how long it took me to free myself from the voices. 

Much love,

On Saturday, March 18, 2017 7:39 PM ST wrote to Sherry & Jerry: 

Hi Sherry thanks for reply!  I'm relieved to hear it took you a couple of years because I've only been at this a month so am encouraged by my progress in light of what you have said.  I've no problem thinking of a cosmic love as an energy force, it ties in nicely with the Swedenborg belief that Love is our very life and that this love is a power just like gravity or electro-magnetism.  A free mind would be such a wonderful thing, I cannot wait! 

Jerry, I'm trying your idea of the light grenades, imagining them going off like crazy huge flashbangs.  There is a video game called Alan Wake and he fights shadow beings with light, it reminds me alot of this game.  J  It seems to help about as much as the 23rd Psalm or elastic band, but I do notice whichever method has the most emotional energy seems to work best, so it's good to have a variety of tools to use. 

I'll send another update in a while, in the meantime I'll keep working hard to fill my life with positive things and keep battling the darkness. 

Thanks so much!

On Sunday, March 19, 2017 12:32 AM ST wrote to Jerry 

As I've thought more about it I realize that there is an energy fluctuation surrounding the day dreams as follows: 

On a scale of 1-10: How much energy do you have before the voices come or start up again?  Answer:  7 

On a scale of 1-10: How much energy do you feel you have while the voices are raging or attacking you?  Answer: 10 

On a scale of 1-10: How much energy do you feel you have after the voices have attacked and left?  Answer 7 

I'm trying the light grenade idea.  I'm thinking of it like a giant massive flash bang and it seems to be as effective as the other things I'm doing.  Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you guys, you've helped me so much! 


