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Sherry Swiney: Mind parasites & solutions ; How to free our mind ! on DTV - Published 9-29-18

Part 3 - Jerry Marzinsky, Unravelling Schizophrenia - Recorded Nov. 28, 2018 with Jenny Lynn

Jerry Marzinsky on Who's Voice is That?
Behind The Paranormal for 11-18-18

Part 1 - Jerry Marzinsky, Unravelling Schizophrenia - Recorded Nov. 28, 2018 with Jenny Lynn

Deep State Consciousness - Published on Jan 16, 2019 Psychotherapist Jerry Marzinsky spent decades working with people being tormented by hearing abusive voices. His experience led him to believe the voices were coming from an outside source – some sort of parasitic entities feeding of human negative emotion. In this interview I ask Jerry how he arrived at this conclusion, what he can tell us about the nature of these entities, how they are capable of using deception to trick us, whether they have a more global agenda and crucially, what people can do to find freedom. 

Getting this information out before the Medical Mafia comes down on us is critical.  To disrupt the medical mafia’s lies the most, is to expose that they have no evidence that schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.  - Published 10-20-18 on Freeman TV

Also available on youtube

Reality Extraction|Mr. Rho with Sherry Swiney 

Live 5-16-19 - WHERE DO NEGATIVE THOUGHTS COME FROM?  We have been invaded by invisible beings that are playing havoc with life on Earth. They invade our thoughts, and can influence our actions if we don't know what they are. Look around. We live in a society under siege by an unseen dangerous enemy that does not want to be discovered. It might surprise you to know that the same negative and demeaning thoughts that overwhelm schizophrenics are experienced by all of us and they all originate from the same source. The manner in which they differ is only one of degree.
Revolution Radio

Part 4 - Jerry Marzinsky, Unravelling Schizophrenia - Recorded Nov. 28, 2018 with Jenny Lynn

Sherry Swiney - Overcoming Archontic Attacks & Dark Thoughts

Nightflight  Published on Apr 4, 2019 - As a young woman, Sherry was plagued by dark side entities. She was able to eliminate them from her life without help from psychologists or psychiatrists, and without taking their toxic drugs. Today, she helps others learn how to do what she did to free herself. 

Original Video:

Part 5 - Jerry Marzinsky, Unravelling Schizophrenia - Recorded Nov. 28, 2018 with Jenny Lynn

Campfire with Jerry Marzinsky - James True
Published on Aug 17, 2019
I did not get the first few minutes of our talk so you miss the introduction and a few gems. I have harnessed my regret into better recording skills in the future though. . .  We dive into the anatomy of demons in this conversation.  Thanks for watching. Jerry has a new book coming out. I hope I will come back and edit this description when it is released.  I consider it important work for us all to absorb to better understand consciousness.


Part 8 - Jerry Marzinsky, Unravelling Schizophrenia - Recorded Nov. 28, 2018 with Jenny Lynn

Part 7 - Jerry Marzinsky, Unravelling Schizophrenia - Recorded Nov. 28, 2018 with Jenny Lynn

​Schizophrenia, Psychosis Explained? Published on Nov 22, 2015

​A view of serious mental illness completely at odds with modern Psychiatric dictums and dogma (whereby consciousness is an epiphenomenon of brain chemistry and any reference to the possible existence of a spiritual realm is heresy). The content of this video makes sense to this YouTube channel for all kinds of reasons. How sad, how tragic, how shameful if psychiatry chooses to continue medicating patient solely to anaesthatise them against experiencing distress (let's admit that effective treatment just isn't available) rather than investigating and considering, at the very least, treatments based on this kind of analysis. This is a collection of edits from two films on the Swedenborg Channel 'offthelefteye' linked here. Recommend you watch the entire films:

This is a collection of edits from two films on the Swedenborg Channel 'offthelefteye' linked here. Recommend you watch the entire films: Paranormal Videos page 1

1) How to Deal With Evil Spirits

2) The Lies Evil Spirits Tell Us 

Part 2 - Jerry Marzinsky, Unravelling Schizophrenia - Recorded Nov. 28, 2018 with Jenny Lynn

Part 6 - Jerry Marzinsky, Unravelling Schizophrenia - Recorded Nov. 28, 2018 with Jenny Lynn

Jerry Marzinsky - Schizophrenia is DEMON POSSESSION - Part 1

Blue Apple with Jackie Hilchuk.  Uploaded May 7, 2019

This video is about Jerry Marzinsky a clinical psychotherapist from Arizona with 35 years experience shares his anaylsis and experience of dealing with people suffering from Paronoid Schizophrenia in the state hopsitals and prisons of America


Eyes Wide Open with Leonard Olivares

#Psychology #Jerry Marzinsky July 18, 2019

In this episode,  I interviewed Jerry Marzinsky we talked about the history of psychology and his work with the criminally insane.


Jerry Marzinsky - Schizophrenia is DEMON POSSESSION - Part 2

Blue Apple with Jackie Hilchuk.  Uploaded May 7, 2019

This video is a continuation of part 1.

offTheLeftEye - Published on Jan 16, 2019 - Jerry Marzinsky describes how evil spirits influence people to use drugs in order to feed off of their negative emotions. Curtis shares parallel quotes from Swedenborg.

Jerry Marzinsky - Solutions To Hearing Dark Voices - Nightflight - Published on May 30, 2019
Jerry Marzinsky joins me again to discuss what type of solutions are available for schizophrenic patients. We look at who came up with the idea of chemical imbalance and the various routes that psychiatry took to treat patients. We also delve into solutions to the dark voices.

Video used during discussion

Reality Extraction | Mr. Rho with Jerry Marzinsky
Live May 02, 2019 - What drives the voices paranoid schizophrenics hear may surprise you.  For hundreds of years schizophrenics have been telling physicians the voices they hear are real.  Physicians think they are simply hallucinations due to a chemical imbalance in the brain and refuse to listen to these patients.  Licensed mental health practitioner, Jerry Marzinsky, investigated the voices when no one else would.  What he found is astonishing and goes against everything the modern medical model dictates. 
Revolution Radio:

Jerry Marzinsky - Demonic Attacks & Mental Health

NightflightPublished on March 14, 2019

​Jerry Marzinsky is a licensed Mental Health Practitioner and Counselor who has spent over thirty-five years in the Mental Health field in Georgia and Arizona. Jerry found out over time that the “Voices” people were hearing in their heads were not just audio hallucinations but actual entities.

​Original video:  

Go to Paranormal Videos page 1, 2, 3

Jerry Marzinsky joins Bernhard Guenther to share about his discoveries practicing as a psychotherapist in mental hospitals and state prisons on this episode of the Cosmic Matrix podcast. Working with schizophrenia and other patients in psychiatry, Jerry started to question the psychiatric medical authorities and their view on and treatment/diagnosis of “mental illness.” Working with hundreds of schizophrenic patients one-on-one he realized that the “voices” in their heads were not hallucinations, nor is schizophrenia caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain but are related to entity attachments and interferences. Published Sep. 13, 2019