Published on Dec 3, 2016 - Jeff Rense Program December 2nd 2016 - Reverse Speech of Pizzagate and Trump in Ohio
Hollywood insider speaks out, claims a global pedophile ring controls HollywoodMatt Agorist
The Free Thought Project
Fri, 19 May 2017 03:28 UTC
The Finders - Political Control & Pedophilia with Jon Rappoport - Published on Feb 13, 2017. Presented with permission. Catherine Austin Fitts - The Solari Report
Ted Gunderson FBI Whistleblower Killed By The Illuminati - Published Dec 12, 2014
MARK PHILLIPS & CATHY O'BRIEN - Mind Control and Pedophilia experts and victim - "our US Department of Defense (DOD) admits that this ancient wizard’s mechanism for control is so dangerous that most information pertaining to it must remain classified as TOP SECRET."
"This super secret technology is an evolved system of remote human physical and psychological manipulation that has only recently been officially recognized by accredited mental health physicians for what it is: absolute mind control."
Pedogate isn't new - Published on Jun 14, 2017 - Jason Bermas breaks down the true origins of Pedogate.
MAIN SITE for more breaking news
November 18, 2016 - An article to fellow Patriots for a call to action to expose: Corporate spoils of war–assets, slavery, and pedophilia
Warlord banker lobbyists providing politician’s their secret desires
Charities as the richest false flags of all
Imperialism and human trafficking in government agencies
Catholic charities complicit with human trafficking and pedophilia.
#PizzaGate Pedophile Rings Exposed by former HEAD of FBI Ted Gunderson - Published Nov 24, 2016 banned by youtube. See
Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Toronto, Canada. Or watch the documentary on youtube below.
Published on Jan 8, 2015
Story #1: Britain Investigates Alleged VIP Pedophile Ring From '70s and '80s
Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry Member Warned Against Speaking Out
Jeffrey Epstein Witnesses Take the 5th
Bill Clinton Drawn Into Prince Andrew Sex Scandal
Famed Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Ensnared in Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Slave Case
Taken From
Taken From
(posted 12-30-2014)
2014: The pedophilia scandals that swallowed Britain whole
Taken from (posted 12-30-2014)
Satanic Cults in Military
Part 1 Michael Aquino on Oprah Show Video (14:58)
Published on Jan 7, 2014
Taken From (posted 12-30-2014) Removed from youtube. See archive file to watch video
David Icke: Two Hour Special Royal Political Paedophilia How the Global Pieces Fit Video (1:46:21)
Published on Nov 18, 2014
Taken from - (posted 12-30-2014) General #OpDeathEaters Canada: Top five child prostitution countries in world --> Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, United States and Canada British envoy to #Canada key topedosadist probe shaking Britain of #OpDeathEaters is an independent, international, victim-led tribunal/inquiry into trafficking andpaedosadist industry. Generations of abuse against aboriginal children recounted in #Canada /articles/2014/3/31/generations-of-abuseagainstaboriginalchildrenrecountedincanada.html Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Australia, Myanmar, Eritrea, Israel, Nigeria, Thailand, Brazil. Join us. #OpDeathEaters The #UN 'peacekeepers' involved in a Haitian boy's rapeunprosecuted Sask. Mountie facing charges of having child rape documents Theobjective of #OpDeathEaters is an independent, international, victim-led tribunal/inquiry into trafficking andpaedosadist industry. Canadian Bishop tried to hide child rape scandal 100,000 KidsAre Sold Into Sex Trafficking In The U.S. Every Year
F0Bc#OpDeathEaters #NotChildLove Chief of MI6 to High Commissioner of Canada - Peter Hayman 'sexually abused boys near UK Parliament UK's Peter Hayman, ambassador to Canada. (Sheila Copp 's memoirs touched on it tho not minors) Diplomatic Immunity: In Ottawa there areas many as 6,000 residentswho are effectively above the law #OpDeathEaters Canada: le massacre dupeuple indien passe par la destruction etl'exploitation deleurs enfants #MMIW is related to #OpDeathEaters, a victim-led inquiry would be more constructive without the participation of thegovt #IdleNoMore How Canadians react to missing, murdered Indigenous women has changed #mmiw / "Far too often women who are desperate will exchange sexin return for a roof over their head [and] for food." #OpDeathEaters #MMIW Canada's Inuit face human trafficking fears Human traffickers going unpunished in Canada http://fw .to/k8ZhnFF
About half of all traffickedpersns are aboriginal #MMIW #OpDeathEaters "Nothing to see here, business as usual" Harper dismissive re: murdered, missing women inquiry Why the #MMIW crisis is greater than you realize Canada’s Pickton didn’t act alone in killings, witness says #NotChildLove #OpDeathEaters #cdnpoli Pickton has reportedly denied responsibility... offeringvague,rambling denials and suggesting #OpDeathEaters 'Pickton includes cryptic claimsthat there is more to the story, but he nevertakes the opportunity to fill in the blanks' #OpDeathEaters In '94 exposing high profilepaedosadism in Vancouver, but snuffed out - the Jack Cram Story - Notorious Child Trafficking Center in Vancouver / Generations of abuse against aboriginal children recounted in #Canada /articles/2014/3/31/generations-of-abuseagainstaboriginalchildrenrecountedincanada.html #Catholic mass grave sites of 350,800 missing children found in #Ireland, #Spain, #Canada VJ19ZcFlLn8. twitter Accuser withdraws sexual assault lawsuit against former VANOC boss a former Residential School Teacher Question why the Catholic Church has neverbeen prosecuted for the systematic abuse and murder of indigenous children #OpDeathEaters Our children havebeen literally carted away, this is still going on #OpDeathEaters #IdleNoMore
Taken from - (posted 12-30-2014) Video (59:53) Conspiracy Of Silence – The Banned Discovery Channel Documentary Exposing US VIP Pedophiles. Published on December 29, 2014
Taken from (posted Sep 19, 2015) Illuminati - Conspiracy Of Silence Banned Discovery Channel Documentary Video (59:54)
Published on December 31, 2013
As additional reliable information comes in, it will be posted here. As always, we encourage everyone to do their own research. Perhaps the links below can get you started. We are hoping the appalling truth comes out more quickly than it has in the past and keeps on coming until the public finally says "enough is enough” and decides to put an end to these atrocities against our children. Imagine being in a child’s shoes.
We dedicate these pages to posting cases on pedophile activity around the world. It’s something everyone needs to know about. The information coming in so far is only the tip of the iceberg. A lot of it is still being covered up and hidden from a wider public review. Mainstream media is doing its part to mask the truth. The corruption is deep but we must go down the rabbit hole anyway.
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Also see Mind Control page
See also Epstein Story